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Copper & Selenium Toxicity and Deficiency in Goats

Copper and Selenium for Goats

Deficiency and Toxicity

Copper and Selenium can easily be tested by your vet by a simple blood test.

Caution should be used when trying to self diagnose as deficiency can look similar to toxicity.

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a vet and each individual should seek local veterinarian advice on dosages and treatments. The recommended dosage in this article is off label.


Copper Deficiency:
Loss of hair color (or reddening / rusting of black goats)
Coarse hair that has hooked end tips
Abortions / Stillbirths
Bone fractures
Poor appetite / weight loss
Decreased milk production

Copper Toxicity:
Lack of appetite

Loss of hair
Sudden hemolytic crisis:
Discolored (brick red) urine that is due to destruction of the red blood cells
Inability to stand
Shaking and/or difficulty with breathing
Brown mucous membranes
Arched back (pain)
Grinding teeth (pain)


Selenium Deficiency:
Can cause white muscle disease (nutritional muscular dystrophy)
Causes the goat to have difficulty controlling its muscles
Pneumonia - result of weakness in muscles that control breathing
Newborns with weak rear legs
Kids too weak to nurse
Unthrifty look
Coarse hair
Abortions / Stillborns
Lower conception rates, fetal reabsorption, dystocia and / or retained placenta
Reduced milk production
Reduced semen quality
*White Muscle Disease can be caused by Selenium or Vitamin E deficiency

Selenium Toxicity:
Labored breathing
Frothing from nose
Dilated pupils
Loss of tail hair
Sloughing of hooves
Elevated or below normal temperature
Unsteady gait
Blind staggering / wandering into objects
Impaired vision
Poor appetite
Throat and tongue paralysis
Respiratory failure
Chronic Alkali Disease
Problems w/ joints, liver and / or heart
Anemia, enlarged abdomen
Crackling and/or deformity of hooves
Dulling or loss of hair
*A garlicky odor of the breath is usually present in any type of selenium toxicity

Here is a good thread to read on the forum:

Additional reading on Vitamin / Mineral Deficiencies in Goats:
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