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Wound Ointment Recipe

Home-made Wound Ointment Recipe

Mix together and keep in a tightly closed container:

1 medium container of Vaseline (petroleum jelly)

1 large tube of diaper rash ointment (A&D or Zinc Oxide both work)

1 tube of women’s yeast infection medication (just get the generic store brand)

1 tube athlete’s foot medication (again, get the generic store brand)

¼ cup Betadine liquid

1 tube triple antibiotic wound ointment (Not the kind with pain killer! Just get the store brand)

Keep it in a cool, dark place, tightly sealed and will last 1 year.

Do not apply where it can enter the eyes, nose or mouth.

Slather onto wound. Do not use on wounds that will be covered or stitched.

Usually only takes one application. Reapply if needed.

Yes, I have used this ointment...many times. Most notably on a buck who had a scrotal sack injury due to being "horned" by another buck. It only took one application to promote healing right away and now there is only a minimal scar in the spot. Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a vet and each individual should seek local veterinarian advice on dosages and treatments. The usage of medication in this article is off label.
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