Loving the herd life
I haven't done one of these in awhile but anyway howdy the title says it all. Since my last sheep thread I now take care of 25 (I think?) Sheep & lambs- here they are in order of when I got them-
Dalanda- I got her in 2019- she is a "Florida cracker" sheep
Pumpkinella- I got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock in TX
Holly- also got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock- her and Pumpkinella were in my like first lamb thread they are both Hampshires/blackface crosses
Baby Faith- I got her from Berry farms in IA last year in March- she is also a Hampshire/bf cross- she's probably the best or second best sheep I have she definitely has the most muscle
Hope- I got her in May last year from Sacred Silence farms here in FL- she is a dorset advantage and is also probably either the best or second best sheep i have she did pretty good at all the shows last year
Georgia- I also got her from Berry farms last year and I was originally supposed to get a different ewe but it got sick and the person i got Hope from picked Georgia out for me instead & I really like her she's a Hampshire/bf cross
Lamborghini- he's my ram I got from Hewlett club lambs in Kansas last year and he turned out wayyy better than I expected him to he's a registered Hampshire
Greg- Holly is his mom and Max the cracker ram I used to have is his dad he was born last April- he's going to be my teaser ram this year
Lou- I got her last year in August she's like 6 years old I think and her scrapie tag has an Illinois number on it but I don't know who's it is- she had one ewe lamb this year that was sired by Lamborghini i that i sold to my friend i think she's pretty decent
Laquisha & Lafawnduh- they're Holly's AI lambs she had in February- Lafawnduh is a natural and Laquisha is a blackface
Tyrone & Jemima- are Pumpkinella's AI lambs she also had in February- Jemima is a blackface and Tyrone is like 100% jet black (Tyrone is a wether and will be my county fair market lamb)
Cindy & Patience- I got them from Berry farms in March- I love Cindy her butt is huge and she just looks nice to me even though she didn't do super great at her first show last month they are both Hampshires/ bf crosses
Shelby- I got her at a sale in Oklahoma from Heisdorffer club lambs- she's a Dorset advantage I like her a lot and her mom was the champion Dorset ewe at a kinda big sheep show/sale a few years ago, she did only get second to last in class at the show last month but i think i also did i terrible job showing her
Carol- I got her from Wolf club lambs in IA, she's a Dorset advantage as well and really thick, I really like her and everyone said she should make awesome babies
^i only was planning on buying 1 ewe this year but obviously I had no self control
Dalanda also had a ewe and a ram lamb this year but we'll probably just eat them
And then in June I got 4 more older ewes from the person I got Hope from that I can AI this year- Spiltz from Berry farms that's also out of my like most favorite ram and I also got Spltiz's Daughter- and then one ewe is from her friend in TN and the other one Nikki is from Begalka in SD, that one like stands up like a person and walks on her back legs if I am holding the feed bucket up above them
The last 2 also came from the person I got Hope from one is originally from Shroyer in OH and the other "Clementine" from someone in WI but they are our friend's and I'm just taking care of them/they live here
I have another show in Georgia in a few days but I'll probably only be taking 5 lambs because Lafawnduh has sore mouth I think Jemima does too and Patience had it and has been over it for awhile but she pulled out a bunch of her back leg wool and it looks terrible, hopefully no more lambs end up with it, on a positive note I should have like 10 ewes to AI/breed this year (last year i only had Holly and Pumpkinella)
Dalanda- I got her in 2019- she is a "Florida cracker" sheep
Pumpkinella- I got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock in TX
Holly- also got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock- her and Pumpkinella were in my like first lamb thread they are both Hampshires/blackface crosses
Baby Faith- I got her from Berry farms in IA last year in March- she is also a Hampshire/bf cross- she's probably the best or second best sheep I have she definitely has the most muscle
Hope- I got her in May last year from Sacred Silence farms here in FL- she is a dorset advantage and is also probably either the best or second best sheep i have she did pretty good at all the shows last year
Georgia- I also got her from Berry farms last year and I was originally supposed to get a different ewe but it got sick and the person i got Hope from picked Georgia out for me instead & I really like her she's a Hampshire/bf cross
Lamborghini- he's my ram I got from Hewlett club lambs in Kansas last year and he turned out wayyy better than I expected him to he's a registered Hampshire
Greg- Holly is his mom and Max the cracker ram I used to have is his dad he was born last April- he's going to be my teaser ram this year
Lou- I got her last year in August she's like 6 years old I think and her scrapie tag has an Illinois number on it but I don't know who's it is- she had one ewe lamb this year that was sired by Lamborghini i that i sold to my friend i think she's pretty decent
Laquisha & Lafawnduh- they're Holly's AI lambs she had in February- Lafawnduh is a natural and Laquisha is a blackface
Tyrone & Jemima- are Pumpkinella's AI lambs she also had in February- Jemima is a blackface and Tyrone is like 100% jet black (Tyrone is a wether and will be my county fair market lamb)
Cindy & Patience- I got them from Berry farms in March- I love Cindy her butt is huge and she just looks nice to me even though she didn't do super great at her first show last month they are both Hampshires/ bf crosses
Shelby- I got her at a sale in Oklahoma from Heisdorffer club lambs- she's a Dorset advantage I like her a lot and her mom was the champion Dorset ewe at a kinda big sheep show/sale a few years ago, she did only get second to last in class at the show last month but i think i also did i terrible job showing her

Carol- I got her from Wolf club lambs in IA, she's a Dorset advantage as well and really thick, I really like her and everyone said she should make awesome babies
^i only was planning on buying 1 ewe this year but obviously I had no self control
Dalanda also had a ewe and a ram lamb this year but we'll probably just eat them
And then in June I got 4 more older ewes from the person I got Hope from that I can AI this year- Spiltz from Berry farms that's also out of my like most favorite ram and I also got Spltiz's Daughter- and then one ewe is from her friend in TN and the other one Nikki is from Begalka in SD, that one like stands up like a person and walks on her back legs if I am holding the feed bucket up above them
The last 2 also came from the person I got Hope from one is originally from Shroyer in OH and the other "Clementine" from someone in WI but they are our friend's and I'm just taking care of them/they live here
I have another show in Georgia in a few days but I'll probably only be taking 5 lambs because Lafawnduh has sore mouth I think Jemima does too and Patience had it and has been over it for awhile but she pulled out a bunch of her back leg wool and it looks terrible, hopefully no more lambs end up with it, on a positive note I should have like 10 ewes to AI/breed this year (last year i only had Holly and Pumpkinella)