Wild Bug Ranch
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  • Your profile pic is so cute!! 🐐
    I know! Nubian's are great. Can't wait until i get some. But it may be awhile.

    Aw, Baby goats are so cute!! Do you eat your Boer goats?
    Sounds like you have a nice farm!:)
    Wild Bug Ranch
    Wild Bug Ranch
    I actually do not eat my Boers, never tried goat! lol! I breed, raise, sell, and show in the county fair actually! As aww thanks! You have a nice farm yourself! Let me know when you get some Nubians and I can help you with any questions you need! ;)
    Okay, i was wondering. I don't think i will ever bring myself to eat goat, rabbit or duck.
    Thank you!!
    Will do, i think I'll probably get 'em in the spring.
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