Aneesa's Muse

I grew up on a small sustainable farm, in GA; moved to CA with my city-slicker husband, left him there, and moved to WI to farm on a larger scale. I have a little over 100 acres. I raise Shorthorn for beef, and Toggenburgs for milk-cheese-skin care. WI was too cold for this chick, so I'm in NC, now. My beefers, pigs, and chooks are still in WI (with the other farmer); and my Toggs and Runners are with me.

I fart around my artsy side in between chores, and try to keep up with the farm-to-table aspect of all food consumption. I'm busy-busy-busy, and I wouldn't change one nano-second. Even the poo on front of my shirt ;)
November 15
Current Herd Animal(s)
SH beef, Toggs, AGHogs


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