Recent content by Jackson

  1. J

    Bunny Has Swollen Jaw (or Cheek)

    Finally figured it out: it was an abscess (cause unknown). Drained an incredible amount of pus out of it, flushed it out, and put antibiotic ointment in it. Been giving extra Vit. C to help with healing and willow bark for inflammation and pain. He was SUCH a good boy, letting us "doctor"...
  2. J

    Bunny Has Swollen Jaw (or Cheek)

    I have a Mini Lop buck who is 11 months old, and one side of his face is swollen. It seems tender when I try to feel of it, but he is more tolerant of hubby feeling of it, and hubby says it is a "lump." The bunny is eating and drinking (and peeing and pooping) normally, but has not been as...