
My Nana often said,"It's good to keep busy. It keeps you from letting your head wonder too far."
I grew up on the farms of both sets of my grandparents in a time before it was referred to as hobby farming. We raised goats, sheep, beef and dairy bovines, draught, riding and light harness horse, chickens, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys pigeons each of all breeds and sorts. We always had big gardens as well as picked wild fruits, berries and nuts and other edibles and harvested endemic large and small game such as rabbits, geese, muskrat and beaver and other edibles. My grannies spin their own wool and made our socks&mitts, hats&scarves, sweater and even sometimes longjohns. We enjoyed homemade bacon, blood pudding saucage, homegrown wheat, barley, oats and peas for our moose soup. I rode in the horse drawn wagon to take wheat to the mill, to gather firewood for the cookstove and our heating stove and to go visiting. I saw the men using horse powered hay mowers, rakes and sweeps to put-up hay. I rode horse to go visiting my cousins and to go see my girlfriend.
Wow. I am sure lucky to have to see the end of that era.
I've operated farm and/or construction machinery of all types and ages. I've been a lumberjack. I've worked as a sous-chef, bar tender and waiter, carpenter, plumbing and sewage installation, motorcycle and auto mechanic, lawn, garden and landscape techi, trapper and hunter, and much more.
Now I've finally settled down to raising farm poultry, meat milk goats, a trio of horses and a pony.
And a pack of 20 huskies that I still use for hunting, trapping, hauling firewood and throw the odd Eco-tourist for a small monetary donation to my retirement supplement.
and 2 nice big gardens.

Oh yeah, a wife & 6 kids and a Grampa to 7

Again, 'My Nana often said,"It's good to keep busy. It keeps you from letting your head wonder too far." '
the swamp&bush of Manitoba, Canada
Current Herd Animal(s)
Goats, horses and a pony
alcohol, drug & substance abuse councillor


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