I am using the bucket trap shown on youtube that filled 20% with water. Everyday I find rats and mice inside although the number has seriously diminished since I use this system.
For bait I use peanut butter. The water in the bucket prevents them to jump out.
Home made...
Hello readers,
A tough situation happens right now, probably because of the very bad hay crop this year in Ontario.
The market for doeling goats is very bad in my area and I couldn't sell a single one around $175 (below meat price) although I sold every one of those I offered for sale in the...
I never eat any animal born or raised on my hobby farm.
So I sell all my yearlings at auction when I couldn't sell them otherwise. These are very healthy animals but nobody except me knows this when they show up for bids. (before the auction starts I give a list to professional buyers who...
Thanks for the welcome.
I guess this site/forum will help me down the road but I currently have no questions. I am fortunate to be good at crunching numbers so if I can contribute to help some, let's do it.
To answer your question we live in a remote area where a lot of in-breeding occurs due...
We are located in the Ottawa region East of Canada, snowy area from December until April.
We bring a buck to the goats early December each year, planning births from early May.
We milk a couple of goats for 5 months only (June to Nov to make cheese for the whole year) although all kids stay...