we have had bucks and stallions and understand the dynamic of male animals. We have never hesitated to put the obnoxious ones in the freezer or sell them so a bull would be no different. We live in the middle of nowhere so AI is not easy for us. We may end up having to learn it ourselves and go...
thanks for that great info!!
We are planning on breeding him, hence me wanting to be as certain as I can about his capabilities in that arena. I also wanted to get him young to train him up as best we could recognising he is a bull. Another reason why we wanted a NOT full sized.
He is polled.
thanks, I just needed to know how developed he should look at 2mo so if they aren't mature until 10-14 then I am assuming the growth will be similar to a horse and slower than a goat. So at 2mo normal would be 'still developing"
WE are picking up a mini jersey bull calf who is only 2mo. I am wondering what to look for with his teste development. Our goats develop very quickly and it is easy to see everything is in tact and ok. But our mini stallion took a while to develop. But I don't know about cows so I don't know...
looking to purchase a couple of cows or a cow and bull.
We have alot of experience with goats and some with horses but none with cows.
So when looking at a beast what should we be looking for to know if they are in good health?
Are there specific things to look for in cows and bulls?
these would...
no I haven't! But I know several people around here do have them and have done for many years. One is a small commercial operation so they must do ok with our climate or it wouldn't be financially viable I would think. Thanks for the idea I will check
thanks for the info guys.
We have had lots of goats and horses and understand the herd metality and would be getting 2.
We have ahd full sized goat with horns and without and I must say I prefer without!! Even the most docile animal can accidently hurt you when frightened and horns are just an...
Hi All,
We are looking to get a cow for milk. As you might have seen in my other post, we were looking at mini jerseys. It seems they are hard to find around here and from research it seems a highland would be better suited to where we live.
So I would like some advice and input from anyone who...
Greetings, We had two nursing doe killed by a black bear, took one, than came back the next night and killed another. Hung around the house for almost 2 weeks. Had me sleeping in the barn overhead until we made a good bear of him. They come after doe with kids most often, but once they zero in...
we had a doe we immunized for cl with the cl goat vaccine. of course she then tested positive for cl. We then became concerned about drinking the milk so we took a sample and had it tested. Cost an aweful lot of money but the test proved to us that cl does not transmit through milk.
Now that...