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  • Thanks my dear! Thats the love of my life...Lollie the Maltese!! Spoiled completely rotten!! Ha! Hope you are having a nice day. :)
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    Reactions: Poka_Doodle
    That's what dogs are for. Each one more spoiled then the dog before.
    No worries! you'll get used to it, or just unfollow lots of pages, lol, <<hugs>>
    i cant wait to go into some of your posts/articles and see photos of your horse
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    Reactions: Poka_Doodle
    Yeah. I will, it's just weird. Have you read any of my articles yet?
    i started to but i have a lot of other reading i have to do first, but will get there!
    Okay, good. One's really out dated and I know that but haven't fixed it yet, so sorry.
    <waves> Doodle help me out here, where is your journal? I am trying to figure this out so bare with me, ummm well all of us! I am also looking for kidding information, if you know where to look would appreciate the help!
    I'll message you and can explain everything. If you will be here to stay that is.
    Sally Sunshine
    Sally Sunshine
    LMAO I have a feeling I may stick around, my does are gonna kid someday, ummm one day not sure when, yeah not sure. ugh
    Hello my dear! I have been doing well, how have you been? BYC keeps me so busy as Moderator, lately I haven't had much time to stop by here. I know that is no excuse and I am going to make more time for BYH! :) I hope all is well with you! :)
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