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  • Hi, sorry if I'm bugging you I just had a question about the show lambs .
    I just got 3. How do you like to exercise yours? I was planning on taking them on bike rides going really fast lol. I did that some last year and got good results wasn't until I stopped that I lost the muscle definition he had. I like the bike too because we can't really afford a treadmill or have a place to put it😅
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    But I was thinking too maybe having them pull big fence posts around and adjusting the size to their weight. But I'm worried it will break up their loin. I don't know that much maybe it wouldn't 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
    I honestly don't have the best exercise system, we turn ours loose with muzzles on, and chase them around the pasture. Otherwise I just hand walk. We didn't think a treadmill was practical for us, so I have never had one, or any fancy exercise system.
    Oh ok. Well thank you anyway. The muzzles is a good idea I never thought about that for when I let them run back home lol.
    Hay, what dewormers do you use?
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    Hey, I use Spar Mectin, and Albendazole. We practice working our lambs at our vet's house, so whenever we are there and the lambs need wormed, she does it with the product of her choosing. You can use horse de-wormers, and that is what we prefer.
    Do you breed market lambs? If so do you ship them out of state?
    I do not breed Market lambs, sorry. I just raise them.
    I would be happy to help you look for lambs in your area if you would like, PM me about that.
    Hey! Sorry I've been gone so long, I've been busy with school, and now summer. How are you?
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