Tiny Tails Rabbitry

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  • Hi Tiny Tails, thanks so much for your reply in my question about raising baby bunnies, something I've never done before.
    So the babies are 5 days old today. They all seem content and decently "fat" in the belly. The bellies aren't necessarily white...their skins are pink, except for one totally black skinned baby, so their bellies are pink with white new fur.....what do you mean by white bellies?



    • Bunnies 2.jpg
      Bunnies 2.jpg
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    I hope this means she's been well fed and doesn't need much more.

    Another concern was that the Mama, who first pulled out her fur to build her nest, has now been eating some of her own fur that she built her nest with! She will nibble some of the hay from the nest and eat some of her fur that's in it.
    So I made some little nest items with thin strips of paper towel in case more insulation is needed and put some of those in....

    what an adventure! The babies are so precious....

    (Annoying but the system won't let me post my whole message so I had to break it up...)
    Tiny Tails Rabbitry
    Tiny Tails Rabbitry
    Oh my goodness! I feel so awful! I had no idea you wrote! Did the baby survive? I had the exact same problem with one of my mamas but we got through it, and all 5 babies are doing great, and mama has a new home with a little girl who adores her!

    Again, I apologize for not replying!
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