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  1. themrslove


    Two healthy looking babies though! Go mama goat! You can do it! :fl
  2. themrslove


    I hope so! :celebrate
  3. themrslove


    Kid is on the ground! :weee
  4. themrslove

    Goat 911 - State/ Country Listing of who you can call

    I really like your use of scallywaginous. Lol :D
  5. themrslove


    Yes! I am quite envious, actually! I'd imagine that makes it so easy to need to even go inside! Cute little goat seems happy with the arrangement. :)
  6. themrslove


    I wish so, too! They look so sweet together. I love how patient she is being with her. I would be so anxious!
  7. themrslove


    Ah! Hooray!!! :pop
  8. themrslove

    Goat 911 - State/ Country Listing of who you can call

    This was so helpful when I first got my goats. :) Some dear sweet woman answered the phone to me at 10pm and talked me through trying to save a sick goat. Such wonderful wonderful people.
  9. themrslove

    A Night of Firsts (and not the good kind)

    :hugs So sorry! You did great though! Sometimes no matter what you do, nature still takes its course. You will have plenty of healthy babies soon enough! :fl
  10. themrslove

    PM Feeding Time at Helmstead Minis

    That is precious!!! I love the little babies that ran at the gate. :) The other ones were like, "Uh, I'm hungry...come feed me...but I will wait under the lights. You can come to me." :rolleyes: Ha! Goats are too funny. :weee
  11. themrslove

    San Clemente Island Goats

    Haha they look like big Nigerian Dwarfs! I have no experience with them...but they certainly are beautiful animals!!! Congrats! :weee
  12. themrslove

    My New Buckling

    He looks sweet!!! Congrats! :bun
  13. themrslove

    I got an updated photo of my baby! :)

    I know it is hard to see in the picture...but he is a blue eyed baby, too! We have little twinny goats! ...except...mine gets to keep his little man bits! ;)
  14. themrslove

    Teach me sbout goats!

    I know I am partial since it is the only breed I have owned...but Nigerian Dwarves are FANTASTIC animals! They don't take up a whole lot of space and are so colorful and sweet! I would recommend them to anyone! :weee
  15. themrslove

    I got an updated photo of my baby! :)

    He comes home in 6 weeks! Wonderful Lora at Prairie Wood snagged a pic of him in the snow and WOW! He is filling out nicely for only being a couple of weeks old. So different than his baby picture. (My avatar pic!) :D He is in the center of the picture looking quite annoyed with the...
  16. themrslove

    I think this is it with Ju-Ju!!!! But

    We have a baby in a bathroom, too! Not crazy at all! You do what you have to! :P :woot
  17. themrslove

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose kids. :( But so happy that there is a precious bouncing little girl to ease the pain! Congrats on one healthy baby! :hugs