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  1. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    It may be worth noting, the calf limped for a couple of days when he was about 3 days old. His knee looked swollen. Could this be related? It cleared up when I started making him move around more
  2. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    Normally I would have bottle fed longer but with the holidays and running around I thought it may be better for the bucket. I will go back to the bottle for now. Someone suggested probiotics and so I did that today. He's pooping several times a day so I know he isn't dehydrated yet. It will see...
  3. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    He will be 2 weeks tomorrow. He's been on a bucket bottle thing for almost the same amount of time and has done wonderful. I started giving him a full bucket since he wasn't drinking it all at once. Then he quit drinking l. He is probably drinking the equivalent of 2 qts a day, if that. I...