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  1. P

    Goat with VERY swollen mouth...

    These are not my goats, I'm posting for a friend. She has 11 market goats that she purchased in the past 4 weeks, all are Feb babies. I helped her pick them out and when we got them they were all healthy and so were the rest of the animals on the farms she purchased from. In the past week they...
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    Scottish Blackface

    Beautiful sheep! I'm more of a goat person, but if I had to have a breed it would probably be this one. I love their size! Not to big and not to small. It's so interesting that ram lambs are born with horns! I do have a question, how do you know who's who? I don't see any ear tags?
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    Look what we brought home today - LaMancha Doeling - Trip is in love..

    Love her! :love I love her color! I'm not much of a dairy person, but I've always though LaMancha's little nubby ear are adorable! To me she looks like a... Blue-Ridge Isabelle Blue-Ridge Sage Blue-Ridge Gretel
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    Bella had her baby!!! Pictures!!!

    He's so handsome! Love his little roan spots!
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    Goats AND Sheep?

    I'm a member of the FFA and I've been wanting to add a few Boer Does to the school Land Lab (farm). We pretty much raise everything else meat related other than goats (cattle, hogs, sheep, rabbits, broilers). The problem is is that we have limited space and the only way that we would be able to...
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    Banding Horns?

    Thank you GladeCreek, that is very helpful!
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    Banding Horns?

    I'm planning on banding horns for one of my next year's market goats, so there will be lots of time for the horns to fall off. Does anybody have experience with this method? Tips? Advice? Thanks in advance!
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    Banding Horns?

    What do you guys think about Banding Horns? My Fair doesn't allow horns, but I want to get my next Market wether from a breeder that doesn't disbud. I didn't know that the banding methods existed for horns, and I had all but given up hope on getting wethers (and hopefully a doe or two in the...
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    My new babies!

    Pretty colors! I especially love that red doeling! Red coat + Blue eyes = Me. :drool ing
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    Removing horns in a young goat

    I was looking on this thread and was wondering what "banding" is. I know you can disbud them when they are very young but have never heard of banding a goat's horns. Can someone explain? :)
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    Should I assist? HELP!!!

    How big was the buck you bred her to? If she lives and is healthy enough, next time you breed her you could use a really small buck.
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    What's the best feed?

    Hey guys, this is kind of a simple question, but I was wondering what you Boer breeders out there feed your does. Feed? Hay? What do you consider to be the best feed? Thanks :)
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    We have babies!!! Updated pics!

    I am in love with that Sable/Chocolate colored one :drool
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    Finally, long awaited Mouflon Baby!

    She is gorgeous! Congratulations on a safe birth :)
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    Hello from OR!!!

    I love this this forum, I'v been lurking for quite a while and I finally decided to register! Anyway, I'm in the FFA. My dream is to be some type of Veterinarian (hopefully large animal) and raise Boer goats. Right now I live just outside the city limits on a 3rd of an acre. I raise BBS Bantam...
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    I'm in FFA and I love it! This is my 2nd year, I was a Jr. Officer my last year and will be running for Officer next year. I've done Creed, Ag. Sales, and Poultry Judging, and was 3rd individually in state. I've done a market lamb, but I am following my passion this year and taking market goats...