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  1. T

    *~*McCoy Farm*~* - A Farm Animal RP

    "What do you want from me??!!" he yelled
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    *~*McCoy Farm*~* - A Farm Animal RP

    he started swimming to the other side of the lake
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    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    Quail walked off looking for something to hunt
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    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "Ok you go back to sleep I will be back with food" he said
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    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "What" he asked "I guess you dont trust me anymore"
  6. T

    *~*McCoy Farm*~* - A Farm Animal RP

    Nate got up and started running he ran to the lake and jumped in
  7. T

    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    Quail walked over to snake
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    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "I guess I should be going now" he said
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    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "never mind" he said
  10. T

    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "You thinkin about joining Winter pack" he asked
  11. T

    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "What are you doing around here?" he asked
  12. T

    Wolf Rp ~Mountain Pack~

    "Who are you" he asked