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  1. Shayna

    Peaches & Mom......

    Isn't she the cutest little thing!! I'm new here due to BYC withdrawl, but I seem to remember a few months ago a post on BYC about a little one, I swear her name was Peaches, that someone had in their house nursing it hoping it would survive. Is this her? Either way, she is ADORABLE! :love
  2. Shayna

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    x2 Picture or no picture, I could NOT draw like that!
  3. Shayna

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    Oh, that explains it! I didn't know this used to be BackYardCows. Well, they are fun little cow icons!
  4. Shayna

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    :bun :ya I do like these cute little cows... but where are the pig and goat ones?? :bun :ya
  5. Shayna

    Keeping kids out of the chicken coop

    Interesting ideas... My pot belly pigs always want to check out the chicken run for something to eat (and the chickens want to check out the pig pen for something to eat) but luckily pigs don't jump so I can just block the entrance with a small board or block that the birds can go over.
  6. Shayna

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    Yes... I've always kind of wanted a couple small goats, and all the goat posts are NOT helping.
  7. Shayna

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    Hi my name is Shayna and I'm a BYC addict. Due to the BYC upgrade, I am currently lost. I tried hanging out on facebook but it just wasn't the same. I am *not so* patiently awaiting for the new BYC to be up! I have 4 dogs, 4 cats, 4 pot belly pigs, as well as paint silkie chickens and guinea...
  8. Shayna

    So they are not a herd, but I wanted to show you anyway ... PICS

    Here come the BYC people to admire your chicks.... Those are very cute pictures!!!
  9. Shayna

    Rescue goat hoof issues! HELP!

    Aw, he's cute! I'd love to have a couple little goats someday, they have so much personality.
  10. Shayna

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    Great to know I'm not alone! I feel lost!
  11. Shayna

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    Thanks! I did check out the sandbox a little bit. It's a big change to get used to, with a lot of great new features!
  12. Shayna

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    Yep, just registered! I didn't know how much I'd miss BYC, can't wait to see the new and improved version!