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  1. I

    European wild rabbit bloodline to improve herd.

    very interesting topic. I have heard of this being done here in Ireland. the main reason is to pass on imunity to certain viruses and diseases that the wild rabbits are immune to due to natural selection in the wild. i.e survival of the fittest. so basicialy you will have a more diease resistent...
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    age kits start leaving the nestbox

    mine are 2 weeks today and in an enclosure outside. their nest is in a hutch in a pen. there is only a height of 2 inches at the hutch door so they should hop out with ease when they are ready, and they will be able to hop around on the grass. cant wait until they first hop out into the world.
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    age kits start leaving the nestbox

    at what age do you find your kits starting to leave the nestbox and exploring.
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    2 females in same cage 1 is pregnant

    do you have wire on the bottom of the cage to stop them diging out?
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    2 females in same cage 1 is pregnant

    put a divide in the pen just to b safe. so they can still socialize but cant hurt eachother or each others kits
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    Mouth full of hay

    anything yet? my doe started pulling fur today and she is due in 3 days
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    2 females in same cage 1 is pregnant

    the cage is 6ft x 4 ft x 2 ft high. they have 2 houses in there. the cage is on pasture and moved daily. they are litter mates and have never shown signs of aggression. infact they regularly groom each other and lay becide each other. of them is due to give birth in 2 days. are they ok to stay...
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    Crossing wild to domestic for meat quality

    Natural sellection is an amazing thing. No amount of human interferance is as good as it when it comes to survival of the fittest. We can however borrow some of those genes from the wild into our own stock. making the stock much hardier and healthier. rabbits can even be free ranged this way.
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    Crossing wild to domestic for meat quality

    It is possible to use a wild buck. it will obviously decrease the size of the offspring however it adds a gamey taste aswell as producing healthier more desease resistant stock. very suitable as grazing/ pasture reared rabbits in chicken tractors or whatever you want to use. You may argue that...
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    Crossing wild to domestic for meat quality

    Any europeans here cross wild rabbits into their domestic stock to improve the quality of the meat. I realise that american wild rabbits are a different species to domestic rabbits and cant cross breed.