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  1. G

    Is it this hard for EVERYONE?

    Here's a pretty good video on cutting up the meat. If you have a big crock pot and will be slow cooking the rabbit, you can leave it whole. Slow cook it with whatever recipe you like and the meat will fall off the bones. (Beware the...
  2. G

    Any opinions on fasting rabbits 24 hours before processing?

    I have heard a few people say that fasting rabbits for 24 hours before processing makes dealing with the intestinal tract more sanitary and easy. I have heard others say that it will stress the rabbit and that will affect flavor. Any thoughts?
  3. G

    Anyone have any good links that show me how to process a rabbit? Here's a good one. (part 2) Another good one. Don't take chances with the gall bladder... I cut off the entire lobe that it's...
  4. G

    Horrible luck continues...

    Our history: New to rabbits. We have a trio of Silver Fox. Our first breeding went like this: the proven doe had 8, fed some of them once or twice (maybe?) and all were dead before their first week. The young first-timer had one stillborn and two big babies, which she completely neglected...
  5. G

    Self Sufficent Rabbit Feeding: Alfalfa plot dimensions question

    BarredBuff, I made a similar post on a while back and I think it was at 45 pages of responses when I stopped keeping track. If you're raising animals for meat, this seems to be the next logical step. Sure it's also a hobby for most people, but part of the hobby for me is...
  6. G

    Question on kit color

    Their barely-detectable fuzz is coming in today and I definitely see some chocolate colored sheen on the pinkish kits, as compared to the black sheen on the darker ones. So with no dwarf gene in the genotype in Silver Fox, I will not have a true peanut; but I could still get a runt? That makes...
  7. G

    Question on kit color

    History: Our first litter was from a first time mom and was born last Monday. One stillborn and two big kits who died after 3 days from abandonment. Tonight our older doe (experienced mother) kindled. 8 live babies! Question: I will get a better picture when we check the kits tomorrow, but...
  8. G

    Help needed. Babies seem cold.

    Thanks for the reply. I've heard that from a lot of people about a doe's first litter. I kept saying to myself that I have no expectations for this litter, but now that there are two live bunnies, I really want to make sure they survive! They are now huddled in to the straw and seem to be...
  9. G

    Help needed. Babies seem cold.

    I have a first time mother Silver Fox. She just gave birth to 1 dead and 2 live babies. I had just put in a temporary cardboard nest box because tonight I was going to get the wood for the box. I put some straw in the box. The babies were born outside the box and mother was ignoring them. I...
  10. G

    Increasing hay to pellet ratio

    I'm new to rabbits and will be raising them for meat and fur. I've had laying hens and in the summer we've managed to get their feed consumption down to about 50% what it is in the winter. They get garden and kitchen scraps, grass and insect forage, and the weeds we remove from the yard and...
  11. G

    Cage wire size question.

    Hello, I'm in the process of building cages. I made the floors with 1/2" x 1" wire (the 1/2" side facing up). Those floors fold up for 4" in height for use as baby saver wire. I purchased 1"x2" welded wire for the walls and ceiling. Here's the dilemma: Every set of cage building...
  12. G

    Anybody else with Silver Foxes?

    When I decided to get rabbits, I settled on Silver Fox. Now that I'm finding out how hard they are to find, I realize how much I lucked out; there's a breeder (Collins Castle Rabbits) in Princeton, MN, about 30 minutes north of me. Silver Fox have a high dress out percentage, unique fur, good...