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  1. N

    Babies looking a little "wooly"

    My moms run from their babies a lot. I think you are right that they just nurse a few times a day so most of what we see is them avoiding the babies. I've only been breeding rabbits for about eight months so maybe someone with more experience can answer your question. Sounds like everyone is...
  2. N

    Babies looking a little "wooly"

    Wow Vicki I've never experienced anything like this. Could they be molting because of hot weather?
  3. N

    Does my surviving kit have a chance?

    I would not hold out much hope for the survival of your last kit. Many first time moms loose their litters to neglect. I started my rabbitry with five does and they all lost their first litters. I would breed her again right away if she were mine. I've heard the three strikes rule on moms many...
  4. N

    My first kindle!

    Congratulations on your first litter!
  5. N

    First American Blue Litter!!

    Too cute! Congratulations!
  6. N

    First babies!

    You could try putting those babies in with your other doe.
  7. N

    Baby too little?

    I also wean all my buns at 4 weeks and they do great. Enjoy your new rabbits!
  8. N

    Another Litter!

    Congratulations!, Baby bunnies are the cutest little fur babies. Enjoy!,
  9. N

    Grow out cage & pen

    Sounds like you are ready to dive into rabbit breeding. You will love it. Good luck!
  10. N

    Feeding pregnant does...

    Calf manna is a pellet that is available at all feed stores. I get mine at Tractor Supply. I do give 1/4 cup in addition to regular feed. All my pregnant does have done great on it. I continue it till I begin to wean.
  11. N

    First babies!

    Wow! Congratulations to you and your sister. Great start with your new does. Sounds like they are going to be good moms. The blood spotting sounds consistent with my experience. It takes a day or two for moms milk to completely come in and I bet your babies are all already starting to get full...
  12. N

    Feeding pregnant does...

    Ive had a lot better luck at getting healthy kits and moms by giving my pregnant does 1/4 cup of calf manna each day after they are bred. I continue this until kits are weaned.
  13. N

    Should i wean? Are they too young?

    I wean all my kits between four and five weeks and they have all done very well.
  14. N

    Concerned mom rabbit is going to eat her kits??

    If she were my doe I would leave them alone and let nature take its course. All of my does lost their first two litters but are now very good moms. I would not have the time nor the patience to try to hold a full grown doe on her back twice a day for enough time for kits to nurse. But then I am...
  15. N

    Lost my original Doe

    Beautiful doe Alsea!
  16. N

    Litter of two!

    First litters are so exciting. Enjoy!
  17. N

    Lost my original Doe

    Im very sorry for your loss. I too have lost a doe unexpectedly. She was due to kindle the next day. Nature can be cruel at times.