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  1. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    He's healing up beautifully that I'm concerned there won't be anything left to test come Monday when I can send it off. Does anybody know how long the pus stays viable for testing under refrigeration? I don't know that I'll be able to get anything out through his mouth even...
  2. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    The pus is white and fairly thick but not "cheesy" like CL is described--however, it's coming out through his mouth so it is diluted by saliva. It's also tinged with a little blood. My goats are Nigerian Dwarfs, which is great for a small space, but I only have the one pen. I did follow the...
  3. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    My "herd" is two wethers and a doe who is currently away being bred at another ranch, and my facilities are just what exist in my smallish back yard, but I've got the two boys penned up together and if necessary I will cull them both or send them onto homes that are okay with a CL positive...
  4. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    So I took the chance and tried to pull some fluid out with a needle, and got nothing. So I bandaged him up and put him back in the pen. This morning, nothing on the bandage, but there is white pus coming out of his I guess he popped it with his teeth from the inside.
  5. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    So, I see that I can only get an accurate test by collecting the exudate....but if it is CL and I open it up, I've already spread the infection. It tripled in size overnight, but it's still soft and I can press hard on it with no reaction--he doesn't feel it at all.
  6. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    Ok, after calming down a bit I realized that the herd he came from is CL negative, he's had no contact with outside goats, and there have been no abcesses on any animal here ever, much less in the time he's been here. I think I might be safe keeping an eye on it and searching for a lab I can...
  7. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    I am in the frustrating position of not having a "goat vet". There is an animal emergency room in a neighboring town where they will see them for some things, but I don't have a regular vet who "does goats" or does blood tests for goat-related illness. I had to send off a blood sample to a lab...
  8. K

    First abcess--could it be CL?

    I have a wether with a lump on the side of his jaw. Based on the location and the fact that it's not hurting him, my guess is that it's a salivary cyst, but if it's an abcess my understanding is that it's usually CL. I don't really have an area where I can keep him 100% quarantined, and right...
  9. K

    Need help with a feeding routine.

    Here's an article about why long fiber (hay, browse, etc.) is important for goats: It made things much more clear for me. I live on a small lot and buy just two bales of hay at at time. It's kind of a nuisance, but it keeps me...
  10. K

    Stinky Doe

    She gets MannaPro minerals now, but I'm switching to Hoegger's Golden Blend soon. She ignores the baking soda for the most part--I usually throw most of it out when it's time to refresh. She's had clumpy poops over the last week--berries stuck together. I dewormed her night before last with...
  11. K

    Stinky Doe

    My ND doe,Spot, gave birth to triplets 1/17. She's also allowing her now 10-month-old doeling from last year to nurse a little. She smells horrifying. During her pregnancy, I was feeding her alfalfa hay free choice, baking soda and minerals free choice, supplemental alfalfa pellets, and 1/2...
  12. K

    twins nursing one side

    Our ND doe had an uneven udder for five years because her first kids had a strong preference for one side over the other--I don't know what was done or not done to correct it, since we did not get her until this year. Before she was dried off for this kidding, I milked the low-producing side...
  13. K

    Alfalfa prices

    I'm in Southern Arizona, the last small bales of Alfalfa we bought were 18.50 per bale. There's not a lot of land devoted to alfalfa, and it takes a lot of water, but they grow it almost year 'round and cut it nine times a year...seems like that might take the price down a little, but that's...
  14. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn"

    Here are the stats on the kids: The "little" doeling weighs in at 3 lbs, her sister at 3.8 lbs and the buckling at 4.2 lbs. (Ouch, poor Spot!) They measure 8, 9 and 10 inches at the shoulders, respectively. No wonder Spot was so huge and I was having nightmares about quints and sextuplets...
  15. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn"

    AAK!!! My pictures are almost all really blurry, because it's dark in the garage and those little buggers move FAST! But here's a teaser of our little (big) buckling taking a snooze: [/url] photo (1) by Eccentric Aesthetic, on Flickr[/img] They're all three light buckskins, but he has the...
  16. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn"

    Yes, everyone in my life wants PICS. I just got home from the medical appointments. They put me under for part of it so I'm very, very sleepy but I did go out and TAKE the pics as soon as we got here. I will upload them when I wake uzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........................
  17. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn"

    Hooray! It's triplets! Two doelings and a buckling, all light buckskins, but one doeling has some darker golden shading on her back. Spot was sneaky and started pushing while I was in the shower, so I heard her yelling as I was trying to get dressed with lightning speed. I was almost shocked...
  18. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn" "in case of emergency, break glass" anxiety meds, which had gone untouched for a couple of months previous to this, have been leaned on rather heavily. The problem with a vivid imagination and and inventive mind and an obsessive need to research things is that when that mind is...
  19. K

    First-Timer (me, not the doe) on Kidding Watch in the "barn"

    I suppose it depends on your definition of "storm"...this is Southern Arizona, so we only get actual storms during the summer monsoons, but there is going to be some rain in a little while here. She didn't yell to be let out this morning, so either she knows about the rain or she's busy with...
  20. K

    Growing my own feed?????

    Lo and behold, I was flipping through the FarmTek catalogue, and what do I come across but their new hydroponic fodder-growing system: [/url] hydroponic fodder system by Eccentric Aesthetic, on Flickr[/img] Which uses a tank and a recirculation pump just like any aquaponics system and even...