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  1. G

    Poor Goats

    We are in South Ga , no snow but have had some 19 to 22 degree nights and some freezing rain , pretty cold for 15 miles from Fl .
  2. G

    New Baby

    Got my first and last new baby ( billy ) of the year today , I did have 7 breeding does all expected to deliver in Dec , and then dogs came in for the first time ever , lost all but 2 and one is too young to breed ,. The doe that is left this is her first . 3 large dogs got 5 does and...
  3. G

    Purebred or crossbred rabbits?

    I had a huge meat rabbit operation about 25 years ago here , but had to quit with it because I could not keep a market . What I was useing was ,, I got 8 french lop does and bred them to a pure bred NZW ,, saved all the does out of that cross and bred them to a purebred Satin white buck , this...