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  1. BigMac

    New to Goats - Just got 2

    We got our first goats ever this week as payment when I helped a neighbor cut down a bunch of dead trees on her property. Two good looking pygmies (I think). Pictures on our facebook page Had no idea what I was in for. :D They really wanted to go home as...
  2. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Just wanted to give everyone an update on our little calf... Baby Mac is thriving! I've posted photos and updates on our facebook page please go check it out for all the news, and please "like" us! Thank you again to RedTailGal and all the rest of you who...
  3. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Tied up his boys yesterday as soon as he started acting more energetic. He's adjusted nicely to being a little "constricted" down there, and seems to be no worse for wear today. Castration is one thing, I do have experience in. As kids, we worked a goat farm one summer and fixed about twenty...
  4. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    I have learned that Facebook pages is a wonderful tool for sharing photos, videos, etc... all in one place! I've posted a bunch of new photos and videos there of our success this afternoon with Baby Mac! Go check it out to see the "ah-ha" moment he started digging in...
  5. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Ok, now I need a post-it about posting photos, because I can't figure out how to do it!
  6. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    I am still in the process of working through Baby Mac's feeding issues. But he has stopped scouring and is acting completely different! Thank you Redtailgal! He seems to be pulling through just fine, and I anticipate he'll take a bottle or bucket just fine tonight. I will probably swear by...
  7. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Ok, after reading Redtail's story about disemboweled horses, the wife has decided that, yes, she can stomach her new baby being dehorned. He has tiny tiny buds that don't show through the fur at all, and are only noticeable if you go looking for them, and even then look and feel like little bald...
  8. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Wow... POINT taken. (haha) I'll share with the missus and see if that little story changes her mind. Dehorning something you do yourself?
  9. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Another thing you may be able to give us some feedback on... dehorning. What's your opinion? He has tiny little buds now, and I anticipate they'll grow into big, sharp, pointy things, but I can't stomach the idea of dehorning, the same way I can't stomach declawing a cat. :( IS it a terrible...
  10. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    His poop is yellowy-tan in color and about the consistency of thick soft-serve ice cream. It does seem runny (relative to a healthy people poop), but I haven't really got a good baseline reference for what a healthy calf poop looks like. Taking the analogy a little bit further (probably too...
  11. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    ...But BOY are they attractive looking little buggers!
  12. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    And of course... maybe the simplest solution would be the right one! We'll offer the bucket first tonight and see if he takes to it. Redtail, do you think it's ok to offer him full milk replacer yet since he's acting better? Or should I keep him on the electrolyte program?
  13. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Woke up before dawn this morning to find Baby Mac standing in his pen! Yay! Standing is good! While gone for work, wife reported that he was eagerly following my daughter around, drank a little water from his bucket and went to town on the salt lick. He apparently was also munching some dirt...
  14. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    I went back to the series of photos I took that one from, and it looks like he was taking a step in the photo that makes his knees look much closer together than usual.
  15. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Go back to the facebook page and you can now see a video of him. See if that gives you enough information. What is BoSe? and what's wrong with his legs?
  16. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    Awesome... He's now curled up by my feet. For pics and video now, I created a Facebook page you can visit and see the little bugger
  17. BigMac

    5 day old calf not eating, not active... Cause for concern?

    I'll try and get a photo posted for you... still need to figure out how to do that! He definitely is not bloated (at least not anymore). He may have been earlier, but his gut looks good, and is not "thumpy" at all! Between my last post and your response, I, being overly concerned, went out and...