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  1. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’ve also taught Bella a horrible new trick. The other day we were out doing chores and she was a little over excited about being out and about. I called for her and rather than run up and sit like she knows she should (she’s 7 months now and still a puppy) she launches herself up at my chest...
  2. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So Ive been moving Alfalfa the spoiled goat all over the property to let him graze what there is when he’s not demanding his namesake feed. He’s the pickiest eater on the place! Turns up his nose at three way hay so he gets what Bro gets. So as I’m staking him out on the far north side of the...
  3. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Kya and Alfalfa weren’t feeling very photogenic. You can just see Kya’s back end going around Shaun, she was not having this take a moment a smile business. Bella’s all about the pose
  4. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Rotating claw on a platform is the perfect way to describe that claw attachment
  5. High Desert Cowboy

    Electric fence

    It’s been my experience with pigs that they will try to go where they will, like it or not. I don’t believe electric fencing is the way to go, they are smart and can figure out that once they’ve passed it the pains gone. They need a sturdy solid fence to keep them contained.
  6. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Sorry I should clarify. Most folks around here do the larger half ton bales. Easy to handle with a tractor, load great into a bale spreader, and they’re not bad to feed off a flatbed truck either. Those that do smaller bales usually have a bale wagon which is a wonderful contraption. It...
  7. High Desert Cowboy

    The End of a Love Affair

    I’m sorry you have to give up sheep. Often when folks start making decisions, they rarely take into consideration how it may affect farmers and their livelihood. I live in rural Utah and even here we’re starting to butt heads with the dang California transplants. No offense to Californians of...
  8. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Fall is in the air. Leaves are changing, pumpkin flavored everything is out, and everyone is bringing cows off the mountain. It’s my favorite time of year. And it won’t stop raining. I won’t complain because we had such a dry year, and at least a cold miserable rain is moisture for next...
  9. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    The kids enjoy how tame he is but they did learn a lesson yesterday. My younger daughter was petting him and I didn’t notice she was standing on his line then he took off running and that little guy has some power (course Millie only weighs 24 lbs). He launched her off the line and she did not...
  10. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Well we now have two new additions. Little miss Maggie came on the 18th with no complications. My wife can now get around and is enjoying that part. Fortunately the baby sleeps really well and is not a big crier. The other addition just arrived today. A friend of mine had a Nigerian Dwarf...
  11. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    The window won’t be too terrible to replace it’s more just an unexpected cost. The tramps frame bent on impact with the ground so it’s toast. It was a miracle though that it just missed my stove pipe and swamp cooler and the roof is fine. The truck does fine with the load and that’s part of...
  12. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I managed to get out and be somewhat productive today and went to get some firewood. Right as I got home the wind picks up blowing like crazy so I went inside to relax and wait for my help to arrive so I could unload it. Suddenly there’s a loud thump and a crash and my kids trampoline had gone...
  13. High Desert Cowboy

    Mystang's Homesteading Circus

    I’ve gotta laugh because my 9 year old son is the exact same way.
  14. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I have come to the conclusion that I could never make it as a single parent. As we’ve gotten closer to the baby getting here my wife has been less and less able to help out. She’s had some health problems with this pregnancy. So after work I’ve been having to cook, clean, take care of...
  15. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I generally don’t go in there in flip flops, this was one of those rare moments where I decide I’m too lazy to pull my boots on. I guess I figured they’re sheep, they’re a lot smaller than a horse I’ll be fine. After several years of working as a farrier I’ve had my toes stomped on enough...
  16. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Oh no I told him he better never wear flip flops in there, I just couldn’t show pain. It was one of those do as I say not as I do teaching moments.
  17. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So I’m relaxing on the couch when my 9 year old son says “hey dad how come you keep grabbing the sheep and petting on them?” I explained I was trying to get them to relax more around me and so I was showing them I’m not all bad. He mentions I never do that with Shaun the katahdin ram. Well I...
  18. High Desert Cowboy

    U S A: SHEEP INDUSTRY. Revive it or just let it slowly die?

    I’ve never known anyone with a commercial Merino flock, but with your mention of them being poor mothers,lambers, susceptible to random acts of God, etc it seems like it would be very difficult to make any sort of profit.
  19. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    You’re right about being something we look back on and laugh about. You’ll notice going back through the journal I omitted this rodeo when the sheep came, mostly because by the time it all played out I was NOT in a laughing mood. I’m really hoping it’s not a genetic thing but for now at least...