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  1. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So I haven’t picked up my yearling ewe from my friends place as I wanted to keep her separate from these guys until I was sure everyone was healthy (Shaun and them came from an auction load, you can never be too cautious.). She decided to give us all a surprise last night and lambed twins! We...
  2. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Shaun is a photogenic little beggar I’ll give him that. The oldest ewe is a little ornery, she won’t let me get near her and she acts like she’s fought a few dogs before, she stomped at my neighbors Aussie (he’s a big softie) and he took off running. She tried the same with Dixie and received...
  3. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Yeah we’ve hit the point where any sort of moisture is welcome, rain or snow
  4. High Desert Cowboy

    Pregnant pot belly got milk 25 hrs ago

    I’m sorry for you and your piglet, but in this situation I’m afraid euthanasia is probably your best option. It can be a difficult decision, especially with a cute new piglet that you already love and adore but consider the quality of life this animal will have. You can pay out the nose for a...
  5. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    We got random snow this morning that is pretty much melted now. But it still lead to some fun feeding my friends cows
  6. High Desert Cowboy

    Unknown ram breed

    I wasn’t aware that dorpers have color to them I’ve only ever seen them in white or white with black heads. Thank you
  7. High Desert Cowboy

    Unknown ram breed

    @Baymule thank you! That is too perfect. I mentioned a while back in my herd journal that I’d like a katahdin ram because I was interested in the benefits of hair sheep but I’d never really had a close encounter with a katahdin and could only go off of pictures I’d seen online of bulkier, much...
  8. High Desert Cowboy

    Unknown ram breed

    So I picked this yearling ram up yesterday and I have no idea what breed he is. Basically my wife loved him and had to have at least one with color, but I got him from an auction load and the gentleman didn’t know but we thought he might be some sort of hair cross. He has a longer tail, but...
  9. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Yeah they’re a bit skinny but thats what good feed is for. All the ewes are what we call range sheep, usually some sort of hamp/Suffolk cross. That’s actiall why these girls are a little skinny is they’ve been on winter range and just barely got brought in. The ram I have no clue on what...
  10. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So the day has finally come! Got these 2 ewes and the dark little ram (not sure on his breed but he was priced right and my wife was in love). One ewe and the ram are yearlings and I have another yearling ewe coming in a couple day! My three year old daughter is in love
  11. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Well decision time. I have an opportunity to get two skinny ewes with their lambs for a reasonable price, or get a skinny ewe and a ram. Add those to my yearling ewe I can either have 5 sheep or 3. Not sure which to go with, putting it all to pencil and trying to think this all out reasonably.
  12. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I gave my last batch to a friend to eat wasn’t planning on replacing any this year. Go figure He’s agreed to replace them though
  13. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Well he didn’t make the night. So now I’m down to three ducks.
  14. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Margaret and Agatha are the unlucky females. After lookaing high and low I found Chauncey and Mary hiding out, and the other two were fine. Chauncey looks pretty rough, but I think if he makes it through the night we’ll be all right. Talked to my neighbor, he was really sorry and had his pups...
  15. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Drive successful! I had a great time but while I was out apparently the neighbors pup got ahold of two of the ducks and not sure which ones they are. My wife called to tell me but she’s to squeamish to get up close and see who it is but the neighbor tied his dogs up and I’ll have to deal with...
  16. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I swear every time I make any progress on my fencing something comes up. Friend of mine called, has to drive some cattle a few miles to the corrals for shipping (really twist my arm huh). So I had to take the evening getting jack ready for a cattle drive Friday. He’s really not a bad horse to...
  17. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Average daily gains. How much weight the animal gains each day as it grows. A sows lactation peaks at 15 days or so, meaning she’s still producing milk, but not in sufficient quantity to sustain an older, larger piglet. This essentially forces them to start looking for other food, ie creep...
  18. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    All piglets are sold to nurseries as weaners. About 28 days of age is the goal. It really helps ADGs in the long run as there is less stress at weaning.
  19. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    They are in barns with a lagoon. There are 4 1/2 barns, 1 for breeding, 1 1/2 for gestation, and two for farrowing. All of these barns have a pit with water that are connected by pipes to a main lagoon. I’ve never had an opportunity to deal with red wattles or Herefords.
  20. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    As of this minute I have about 2000. 600 more coming tomorrow. This is my full time job I run a 5000+ sow farm and raise piglets to wean age (about 28 days). The choice gilts will go on to be replacement breeding sows and the barrows and other gilts will go to a nursery, finisher, and then to...