DH grew up in Woodland and we lived on the Lewis River on a houseboat many years ago.. The mountain would blow and I'd run to the top of the dike snap a new picture and go back in the house ;)
Another SW WA member. Just a few mi north of Portland Oregon. Our 5 acres is home to horses, chickens and Katahdin Hair Sheep. busy with lambing. Total of 4 pregnant, two lambed already and 2 more to go soon. It a rainy day here ....again. Just checked the ewe and now back to sewing bags...
Another thought would be to contact multiple breeders of the breeds your interested in and find out if they are involved in a National Herd Improvement Program for their breed. When they do this they are keeping a percentage of what they are breeding and integrating that into their current herd...
I have two lambing stalls/pens but the main area is for everybody. I still have two ewes to go that are due soon. It's nice and sunny today so I let everyone out together. Ewe #1 lambed on Mon 7th and ewe #2 lambed on 17th. Wondering if I should remove the ram altogether from the group and...