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  1. ArtisticFarmer

    Goat Fencing

    Yes, my wire is wrapped around at the joins, not mesh. I might do what you do, and put some chicken wire at the bottom to keep heads in. :) Thank you! (Maybe the bottom 2 feet?)
  2. ArtisticFarmer

    Goat Fencing

    Ah, smart! What type of posts did you use? How far apart? Thank you for answering my bombardment of questions. :) Do you think the goats would get their heads stuck in a 4"x4" mesh fencing?
  3. ArtisticFarmer

    Goat Fencing

    Thank you! I have almost unlimited access to 4' wire. What do you mean by cross piece?
  4. ArtisticFarmer

    Goat Fencing

    Can goats be kept it without Using electric fencing? Would they rub against it/stand on it? Also, is there a limit to how big the mesh of the fence should be? How tall should it be? Thank you. ;)
  5. ArtisticFarmer

    can goats be pets?

    Aw! I can't wait! @ ThreeBoysChicks- I am already accustomed to not walking fast outside- my chickens always come a runnin and I have to be careful to NOT step on them!
  6. ArtisticFarmer

    Baby Vs Adult

    Wonderful idea!!!!!!!!!What should her hooves look like? Should I taste her milk to see if I like it? I am so excited!!!! :D
  7. ArtisticFarmer

    Baby Vs Adult

    I am torn between getting 2 kids to start, or 2 adult does. I am wanting them for milk and pet purposes. If you could share your experience/advantages/disadvantages with either, that would be great!
  8. ArtisticFarmer

    can goats be pets?

    Thanks guys! I can't decide to get it as a baby or as an adult, because I will have the breed it so it start producing milk, right? But if I get it as a baby, it will most likely be more tame.
  9. ArtisticFarmer

    can goats be pets?

    Hi! I am going to be getting either 2 Alpines or 2 Nubian goat soon, I hope. I was wondering- can goats be pets? Like, how much could I interact with them? Will they learn to like/love me? I was thinking that maybe when I had time I could halter them, and take them out of there pen and let them...
  10. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    That's what I thought. :)
  11. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    Ok- I was thinking of extending the pen into the woods a little bit- but with several old silos and a junk barn, (which wouldn't be good for the goats to get into...) I don't know if it is worth it. It is about 30'x50', but most of that is piles of sticks/limbs that are cut down, and they...
  12. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    I got the final measurements! After I caculate and look up some things, I'll post my estimate prices and area of the pen. :)
  13. ArtisticFarmer

    Is a Goat right for me?

    Ok, thanks!
  14. ArtisticFarmer

    How To Make Goat Milk Soap

    Hey! I know it is illegal in a lot of places to sell raw goats milk- I figured if I can't sell the goat milk, I could make it into soap and sell it. (or use it!) No, I don't have goats right now, but we aren't a big goat-milk drinking family. (I just want goats 'cause they are goats. :D) How do...
  15. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    That's what I figured. I also discovered some extra rolls of old field fencing. (Farms with old outbuildings are wonderful things. :) Just wondering if I could use it. Oh, and it is kinda rusty don't know if that's a bad thing.
  16. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    Now that I think about it, I think it is barbed. If that wouldn't be *good for the goats, I could easily roll the top part back. (And put electric in place of it.)
  17. ArtisticFarmer

    Pen Size

    Question- Along one side of the to-be goat pen, there is about a 3 foot fence (4"x4" field fence.) with 2 strands of wire on the top. Would I have to fence this part? I might reinforce it. It would save about 100' of wire!!!!
  18. ArtisticFarmer

    Chickens + Goats?

    I was wondering about this too, as I am getting 2 goats sometime soon, and I have 18 chickens. ;) Is it just me or is it that if you have one farm animal, you ending up getting more species of farm animals? :P
  19. ArtisticFarmer

    I see stupid people, they're everywhere...

    :ep Seriously people?!