Dazzle was too weak to nurse her babies at first, so I’ve been bottle feeding them. She is much more energetic now, but won’t stand still for them so I’ve continued the bottle... Hopefully she’ll come around so I won’t be as tied down.
I slept an hour last night, but plan on taking a long nap as soon as I get back from TSC. Good news! She didn’t actually prolapse. I was on the phone with the vet when she passed 2 placentas, one which was very chunky and strange. Anyways, it looked and felt exactly like a prolapse when it first...
Dazzle kidded this morning with a breach swollen, dead kid, a doe, and breach buck.
She started sporadically pushing around 2 AM, but with no progress. She had bloody mucus. I went in and tried to feel, but couldn’t feel anything and couldn’t get my hand all the way in.
Awhile later, I found...