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  1. S

    Goat making Snort/sneeze sound is that normal?

    oh thank god lol thought they might be sick would hate to lose one even though they dont care for me at the moment i love the so much already lol i mean the boy lets me pet and love on him but the girls dont :( they r really going to hate me tomorrow when i trim their hoofs
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    Goat that had a miscarriage

    i just got me some goats one of them is a 3 year old dwarf nigerian shes been bred once and the guy said she had a miscarriage that was last fall. what would cause a goat to have a miscarriage, will she always have one or just happen to happen? i would like to breed her this fall but hate for to...
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    Goat making Snort/sneeze sound is that normal?

    im so happy i finaly got me some goats but i noticed yesterday them making like a snort sneezing sound is that normal they dont do it all the time but still got me a lil worried i got a 3 and 2 year old dwarf nigerian does and a 4 month old buck.
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    how long after having a kid can breed again?

    so if i get a doe its ok to breed her once a year with out hurting her health? also was wondering is there any breeds out there that shouldnt mix? like in ducks muscovy mixes are infertile. is there breeds out there that if they mix they will be infertile
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    how long after having a kid can breed again?

    how long after a goat has a kid can she be bred again?
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    To old to breed?

    oh wow didnt think they lived that long im glad i would hate to get goats and get attached and then they die with in a few years and dont have to trade out my does every few years cant wait until i get my first goat :D :D :D
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    Boer mix with Alpine would still be a good milker??

    ok thx i guess i'll just keep waiting for Mininubian or Nigerian Dwarf
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    To old to breed?

    at what age should goats stop breeding, having kids? how long can a dairy goat live for?
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    Boer mix with Alpine would still be a good milker??

    someone selling boer with a little alpine or nubian mix in them would they be good or ok milkers? or dont even bother? i want to get atleast 2 dairy goats so can have my own goat milk. would these guys be any good??
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    What to feed Dairy Goats

    im wanting to get goats me and my husband are finishing the pen and turning the old shed to their house im wanting to get i want to get Mininubian or Nigerian Dwarf goats but before i do anything i need to learn the way of feeding them lol. we have a co op and they dont give detail on their feed...