Thank you @Sheepshape, very informative and thank you for the picture as well. I agree that Esther has some time left, but I was taken aback at the vulval swelling. According to my guesstimate we are on day 120. Now it's just a waiting game. :pop
Okay, so I recently joined the forum today! Yay! :welcome
Because I wanted to ask your advice on something. According to my guesstimate, my ewe Esther is a minimum three weeks away from lambing. Her udders are ssslllllooooowwwllllyyy bagging up. But today I noticed some significant change in...
Hi everyone! Greetings from Ecuador!
I learned about BYHerds from a sister site, BYChickens. So among all the chickens that we have, we have two sheep. Don’t ask me what breed they are, no clue, maybe you can help me with that. I love learning how different animals are supposed to be cared for...