Yea, I think she might still have a couple days. Her ligaments have tightened back up and she's acting normal today. She's messing with me because she knows how anxious I am...
Thank you for your response! I have all those things, plus some other odds and ends. I just checked on her again and there doesn't seem to be much change. Hoping she will kid tomorrow since I have the day off!
Well I just checked on her again and there's some white mucous and everything seems to be losening up. She isn't really nesting anymore but she's been laying in the corner of the pen, where they never lay. I'm thinking she's getting closer...I'm so excited!!
Hello! So this will be my first time (and my doe's) experiencing kidding. I had my calender marked for the 12th but she is showing some nesting signs now. She was pawing at her bedding all day and being pretty territorial with our other goat. Also, her udder looks huge, at least to me, but it's...
Hello! I currently have a doe who is several months pregnant (due sept 12thish) and I noticed the last couple days that she has a goat berry sticking out of her butt. I'm still new to goats but I've never seen this on her or her sister and thought it was strange. Could she be constipated?