Thanks :) I think its a great opportunity for learning. Turns out they really enjoy it, so it makes me happy to see them doing something they enjoy so much.
The kids went to their first show this weekend. Was a great experience, we are all looking forward to getting to a bunch more this year. Hoping to get my ram lamb out there, very interested in seeing how he does.
Here are a couple pictures.
Us to, I just love him. He is a big boy. He is almost as tall as my 2yr Old Ewe and he is around 2 1/2 months old, almost 3 months. Im hoping to get him out to some shows this summer. I am going to try and get some more pictures of him.
Any tips or advice in regards to showing sheep. Im taking 2 of my Registered Ewes to a show in May. My 7yr old and 6yr Old will be showing themo_O so inexperienced sheep plus inexperienced kids should be an interesting combo. Im working my butt off to make sure the ewes are used to being led...
Well, its been a while. So I figured I would come on here and update everyone! Things are going well. All of my ewes are doing great. And we are in the process of selling our last little ram lamb. We are going to look at a potential ram to be our herd sire next week. I'm so excited! I will make...
Ok, I think our decision to start feeding it will be for the best. Im so disappointed in this ewe, I was really hoping she was going to be a pro like her half sister. But she isn't :barnie
He is constantly trying to suckle on her, going back and forth , from one side to the other. We felt his belly like you said @Mike CHS and there was hardly anything there. He was born 6 days ago. I would think she would have a milk bag by now. He follows her around shivering , she acts pretty...
So, our Ewe just had a lamb about 5 days ago. He seems ok he is walking around ect. But the Ewe has almost no milk bag? We tried to get milk out, and couldn't get anything...but neither me or hubby are probably doing the right technique lol Should I think about feeding him with a bottle? Should...
Ok thanks everyone. Do I gradually separate him? Or just go for it cold turkey. I'm glad the buyer is keeping him a ram I'm excited to see how he turns out :)
Photo of the little dude
Weaning at a little over 60 days ? is this ok to do. Im hoping to wean my Ram Lamb off his dam so he can head to his new home, he is eating grain/ hay and drinking water. I have looked around on google and advice seems to kind of be all over the place depending on what your operation is and type...