We had a Katahdin ram lamb that we had butchered at 7/6 months old. I just used some of the ground meat tonight...not a fan of the taste , it was super strong! Not like the more mellow tasting lamb I have had in the past. So I don't make this mistake again in the future do you recommend making...
I am not ready yet, but I would like to get some tips on what I need to do to start showing my Katahdin Ewes. I have never been involved in the sheep showing world, But i have showed my fair share of horses, so I'm not entirely new to it all i guess. I know first step is acquiring stock that is...
Our one Katahdin ewe has recently started pacing back and forth by the fence gate, baaaaing constantly. Walks back and forth back and forth. I thought maybe she was hungry so I went down to the barn to check, plenty of food and water. As soon as I walked down there she came up to me, i gave her...
I think we solved our fencing problem *fingers crossed* So far 5 rows of polyrope electric wire is keeping our ewes in. They are happy and so are we, its a win win! Put our first Ram Lamb in the freezer last week. Will be excited to have some lamb to cook with ! Our Livestock guardian puppy is...
Oh my Goodness! Its been a while, and some crazy stuff has been going on. After much discussion, budget crunching ect, we have to decided to just stick with sheep instead of cows at this current point in our life. Our 2 Katahdin Ewes are doing amazing! We LOVE them. They have been a great...
Noticed that while my sheep were in their pasture they were breathing quite heavy and laying down. The paddock did have full sun all day, however it has not been that hot, maybe 80 degrees if that. We are located in maine. We put them back in their stall in the barn just to be safe. Do we need...
Ok, so yesterday we brought home two 6 month old Nigerian Dwarf doelings, They are sisters, twins I think. The smaller one I noticed will cough and sneeze sometimes, and she seems much more calm and less jumpy then her bigger sister. Is the cough and sneeze something I need to be very concerned...
I was told by the previous owners that we will need to worm our new ews . What wormer can you guys recommend? I have wormed horses before, but never sheep. Very new to this. They are around 6 months old.
Very new to sheep, and have some Katahdin sheep coming next week. We would like to stay as much grass fed as possible, I know in the winter they will need hay of course, but talk to me about grain......do they need grain? or would they be ok on just the pellets they have for sheep at the store...
@Mini Horses thankfully that is not the case with our trailer, ours just has the one big door at the back, then a man door at the front. Yup I will make sure there is hay and a way to get them water.
thanks everyone :) There will be pictures for sure!
I have had chickens quite a few times in my life, but this is our first experience with raising guineas. We got these keets from a hatchery, and just recently i found one dead in the coop. Another a couple days later, and typically before i find them they walk around all slow and kind of hunched...