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  1. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    So cute
  2. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    I wasnt allowed in petsmart today, Only the wife haha 1 person at a time, and they had tape on the floor to seperate people
  3. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    You too!
  4. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    good and yourself? Some people told me you were always cranky, But your not usualy
  5. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    You need a hug too chickens really, your always crankie
  6. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  7. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Okay, Good effort :(
  8. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    did you give them vitamins and electrolytes when you got them?
  9. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  10. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Shipping stress can last a few days, i think you said you gave them electrolytes and vitamins though?
  11. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    What do you mean? What did i do?
  12. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Oh okay, you were tight back in the day
  13. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    is huffleclaw on this forum?
  14. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Thank you, ive seen some pictures of yours, But they must be getting big now
  15. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    The ducks, Mixes, an appleyard and some pekins and the big mamma and 2 babies
  16. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Ohyeah they do that when they get cold feet
  17. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    How are your chickens today?
  18. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    It wont hurt anything! if it doesnt start developing take it out so it doesnt rot and explode
  19. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  20. DougDilman

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Teeny tiny chick! Most fairy eggs dont have a yolk