Sometimes when you breed two polled goats together they can get birth defects wether or not they're related(see what I did there) but you can sell polled babies for more money than regular and if you breed a blue eyed non polled buck to a polled female you could get a polled blue eyed kid that...
My chickens(bantams & silkies) are GREAT they produce me with eggs and when I need to talk to someone my friendliest hen chesnut will come up and let me hold her
I have call ducklings and while they are only ducklings once they start laying I can hatch out eggs in my incubator or under my...
so our fence is 4 1/2 ft high we have 480 sqft we have double fencing which has 1ft holes reinforced with fencing that is 1inch wide 2inch tall holes I don't think a coyote could dig under the fencing because there is soo much grass under it even the weed whacker can't get through
Our inside...
Thank you for this info! we do have a inside pen I could use and we know to get rid of the afterbirth in the woods and so far after 12 years we have had no losses with our pygmy's yet but I did see something on coyotes hunting lambs on a show yesterday.We have an Australian shepherd but she...
Nothing new here
But I do have a question...
Should I be worried about the coyotes and foxes around getting the lamb(s) when they are born,we do have goats in with them though.
On second thought you need to get rid of this billy.If you are using this one to breed your does there is a chance he may pass the crazy gene down to his kids and make more work for everyone.If you dont have a say in whether or not you get rid of him you need to bring this up to the person who...