Corona virus just blocked a goat sale. I have a buyer for one of my bucks and they are in Oklahoma. The transporter was originally scheduled to pick him up tomorrow, but they have postponed for at least 2 weeks. I can't say as I blame them.
Oh and one other thing. I haven't been updating...
Worm the 3 with Safeguard for goats. Don't use horse paste. 1 cc per 10 lbs for 5 days.
That's what I would do. Then wait 10 days and run another fecal on those 3.
I was supposed to travel by plane next week for work. But, my company instructed us to avoid non essential domestic air travel and prohibited international air travel without executive management approval.
We are doing a test next week to have 25% of my division work from home. We all have...
Agouti is a type of fur coloration in which each hair displays two or more bands of pigmentation. As a result, the overall appearance of agouti fur is usually gray or dull brown, although dull yellow is also possible.
Roan is a horse coat color pattern characterized by an even mixture of...
I think a "roan" has white hair interspersed among dark hair and and with an "agouti" each hair follicle is white and dark colored.. I think that's how it is.
Roan is usually associated with horses and cows.
I asked my wife who used to work on a commercial hog farm and at the NC State Swine Unit.
She said it was probably pneumonia. Treat with antibiotics and banamine is all you can do.. She said they usually used penicillin.
For your consideration
Sinai Thunder AD Valiant *B FS88 ?VVE
Both Valiant's dam and sire are Elite Does and milked over 1300 lbs.
I currently have 5 daughters and his semen in the tank, so time for him to help another herd.
Located in central North Carolina
PM for more...
I don't think that getting a couple of bucks just to have a stud business is a very good business plan. I'll put it that way. :)
I don't know a good business plan for making much money with goats. If I come up with one, I'll let you all know.
Not usual for us, but we leased a Nigerian buck this year. This despite the fact that we own I think 8 of them. LOL
But, we know who is and where he is. We own his grandmother and got him specifically to breed to her (Zamia) and his aunt (Clarabelle). We also bred him to several others while...
I know a pretty well known Nigerian Dwarf breeder who used to keep a buck every year to let other people breed their does.
He kept a good buck, not necessarily a great buck. He also kept it in a different pen than his other goats. He didn't breed any of his does to the buck. And at the end of...