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  1. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    too funny, you crack me up - seriously you need to write more of your stories down, this could be a side income!!!!!! and from the looks of it, you are the one in the pen, they have the run of the place, are you sure you are the boss here?
  2. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    you amaze me, what a battle you have been through with her - so precious...
  3. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    tons of work, but it looks like a wonderful set up!!!! great job
  4. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    I hope you are feeling better - so sorry for the rude and non-caring way the Drs office dealt with you, not right!
  5. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    I am so sorry you spent the holiday alone, that is never fun. But thankful it was a mild case and you are feeling better. You always amaze me what how you push through so many obstacles, tough lady you are!! Praying you are back to 100% soon. We decided to bred our two Lamancha's - found a...
  6. Hideaway Pines

    Tamuk rabbits, new wonder breed or fad? Anyone have experience?

    I have raised them for over 2 years now and they are my preferred bred now. I am phasing out my Californian's and going to full Tamuks only - I still have a few breeders that I will use over the next year, but the Californians will be bred with Tamuks. I am helping a homesteading group in...
  7. Hideaway Pines

    Tamuk rabbits, new wonder breed or fad? Anyone have experience?

    Heat is a problem in Texas but the Tamuks do better, they were bred by Texas A&M for our weather and so far they are a great choice.
  8. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    That is great news you get to bring him home. We all pray he recovers and this was something that is not ongoing for sure!!! poor guy...
  9. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    any word on Sentry? been praying for you and for him... waiting to hear news on our beloved pets is never easy...
  10. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    I am beyond sad to hear of Sentry's issues. I will join with the others in praying for healing and full recovery. I am so very sorry that you are dealing with this. I want to know what his issues are too, very strange for him to suddenly have these problems, must be an underlying issues. Praying...
  11. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    You could make it a working thanksgiving, hand everyone a paintbrush or tool as they walk in the door, with a list of chores they can chose from - you know the work for food idea :lol: but at least you have a few weeks to try to get some of the most important things done. Take care not to over...
  12. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    send me the name of your tree people, do you think they would come to our place? we have a few that need to come down...
  13. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    oh no... i am just now reading all your updates, man I am sooooo sorry. I know this was so hard to lose him, praying for your heart - poor dear.
  14. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    p poor guy, I will pray that he recovers fully - so glad they were able to give him some relief though.
  15. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    Mustang Island is one of our favorite places to visit, less people, great beaches and usually good food as well. We would camp on the beach around Easter each year. love it there....
  16. Hideaway Pines

    Pig fence recommendations

    some gates are 6ft, some are 3 ft and we did put two 3 ft in one section to allow us to then back our stock trailer in, giving us the ability to attach each gate to the trailer to keep the pigs from escaping then we plan to feed them every day for a week or more in the trailer to get them...
  17. Hideaway Pines

    Pig fence recommendations

    We just finished the last of the three paddocks that our pigs will have access to. We will rotate them as needed to each one. We used woven wire and our pigs have not had any issues with getting out. My husband did do concreted wooden poles every third pole with T-posts for the rest, and this...
  18. Hideaway Pines

    Baymule’s Journal

    Happy belated birthday and Mother's day... I will reach out to you by text here soon... been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. Blessings,
  19. Hideaway Pines

    Pig fence recommendations

    no, the panels are just at the top of the ground or slightly under depending on the variation in the area, but to be fair, we have lots large tree of roots in our area even though we are sugar sand, the roots are a deterrent to them getting out. But we will see how the horse fencing does, we may...
  20. Hideaway Pines

    Pig fence recommendations

    one thought, we added downed trees/logs to the bottom of our cattle panel where it was not flush with the ground an attached them to the fence, this made it extra strong and heavy. If you have any trees you can use for this it would be a good easy solution.