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  1. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    I forgot to mention Especially Hera's buckling and one of Summer's too is displaying a tendency I've noticed before where especially Hera's buck kids have no moderation when on free choice milk of any temperature and eating themselves into scouring footballs. So the big reason for the split is...
  2. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Today I separated the bucklings and doelings. The doelings have an LGD protected pen in the barn. The bucklings are sort of out of luck, but there are only four of them I kept, so I can put them indoors in the shop pen as needed. The kids picked Little Orchard CD Hera's buckling to retain who...
  3. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Does that work if they nest down the street at the old abandoned general store? The attachment to the area is strong. On the flip side I don't think anyone would miss them if they did get strung up.
  4. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Is the foot ball over yet?
  5. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Galaxy the noober gifted us with our 15th kid this year, a single doeling by Pete the lamancha. Galaxy is already planning all the fun milkstand adventures we're going to have together to pay me back for helping her birth that 7 pound "monster" kid. The black seagulls are back for the year...
  6. rachels.haven

    Pet Tax in Colorado

    The red script "update" at the top of the page when the link is followed. I guess people thought it was too far out. I'm glad I don't live in Colorado.
  7. rachels.haven

    Pet Tax in Colorado

    Smells like Peta. I'm glad it looks like they chucked it out.
  8. rachels.haven

    Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along

    St Stop by my place and in a few minutes we can load you up with cats.. and you'd be doing me a favor. The neighbor feeds a feral colony next door and the number spilling over to my place is reaching pestilence level. Lots and lots of reject intact males free for the neutering all over...
  9. rachels.haven

    Baymule’s Journal

    This journal has me in awe lately. We get 1-2" of rain and our TN dirt expands and starts melting and flowing away and everything floods. How can your area handle it all?!
  10. rachels.haven

    Not so stupid after all!

    Wow. I "just can not even..." that.
  11. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Riker is a little over 2 years old. He's a little vapid and hard to catch but he worships the ground the goats walk on and has taken to his herd like a natural. Going with the goats when they walk around the pasture and laying with them when they browse and graze fulfills him. Mark says he makes...
  12. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Last night it rained sideways and today it's still spitting so LGD Bailey decided to fire herself as LGD and refuses to go back into the pasture after breakfast and is now hiding somewhere, probably under our cabin's wrap around porch. All this is rather than to use her dogloo or the smokehouse...
  13. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    They will in a day or two. Then out they go, but by then they've had a chance to learn how a lambar works. You know, now that you mention it and I stop to think about it, I think propane liquefies when it gets really cold-really cold I think is like -44.
  14. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Baby buckling bonker burning day (last night). The six does will be done later this week. I drove the truck out of the pasture and parked it in the garage with all the heated water bucket stuff and power cords this morning. The three year old thinks I pulled the stuck truck out with my bare...
  15. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Oh man, take care. That's a lot of water for you and everything to be out in.
  16. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    I wish we had sand and spreader trucks. Or someone did and they were on contract. The county and state have trucks for the highways and state routes, but we don't have anything on a town level-not that people seem to know the difference between salt and sand and when to use which one...or how to...
  17. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Thanks! Yeah, I needed the trough filled and my back functional more than I needed the truck for the rest of Saturday and today. The high tomorrow is 44. I'll get my truck back. One more day of no school in this anti-plow place.
  18. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Happy Saturday, AKA the day all the locals get off of work and try to go out and start getting stranded everywhere and start posting for help. Monday is Thaw Day! Today isn't Monday. :barnie And yeah, we're all running out of stuff but Monday's only a Sunday away. Everything will probably be...
  19. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    Hera loves kids. She's obsessed with them. Dan hand milked her and got her to let down. She's still not great but it's better. She can stay. I'm still holding out for Allie. I'd like those big lumps to go down.
  20. rachels.haven

    rachels.haven's Journal

    The 6 does due in January have kidded. Now I have 14 baby goats in my bathroom and I am very tired from all the midnight and 4 am checks in the cold temps and ice and snow. Someday I will have a nice enclosed barn with barn cams again so any standing around I do will be warmer and I will be able...