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  1. DutchBunny03

    Rex bunny tattoo help!!

    You could contact the previous owner, and ask for the phone or email address of the breeder, but it is not likely that you will be able to track down her pedigree. Tattoos in the left ear are private id used for records and organizations by the breeder. Your rabbit may be purebred, and you can...
  2. DutchBunny03

    BYH Official Poll: What are the things that you should consider before buying herds?

    Your dog's smell may be enough to keep coyotes away. My dog is not a LGD, but has done alot to keep predators away from my animals, just by existing. The coyotes will smell your dogs, and that may keep them away, but you may want to train one of your dogs to guard your goats, or buy a LGD puppy.
  3. DutchBunny03

    new member

    Welcome to BYH:welcome!! There are tons of animal people here to answer questions and chat over ideas with, so just name the animal and we'll help ya! Have fun:weee.
  4. DutchBunny03

    agouti/steel genetics

    @promiseacres , the litter would not necissarily have to be culled. Most rabbit breeds and varieties came from mutations in the rabbit's genes. The Rex breed came from a mutation in the fur. So did the Havana, Satin, and Tan. Lops are a mutation from the normal pricked-up ears. If it is a...
  5. DutchBunny03

    agouti/steel genetics

    In Dutch, steels actually appear in two colors; gold-tipped and silver tipped. Genetics are an intricate thing. Your rabbits could be a mutation, or they are not actually the color you think they are at all. Some rabbits go through a very dramatic coat change when they molt.
  6. DutchBunny03

    agouti/steel genetics

    The picture is pretty small on my screen, so I'm not sure. But are you completely sure that those are steels? I have a few steels, and they look a lot different.
  7. DutchBunny03

    hello all

    Welcome to BYH from upstate NY:welcome!! Visit BYH sister site, Backyard Chickens. It is a lot like BYH, but with more poultry people. You can ask all your poultry questions there, and probably get better answers. Have fun!!
  8. DutchBunny03

    Breeding questions

    A 40"x40" cage may be hard to find, but it is neccessary for at least the breeding does. Perhaps bucks and does without litters could live in a 30"x30" hutch(though it would be pretty cramped), does with litters cannot. You can attach to peices of wire together with j or c clips, or use a wooden...
  9. DutchBunny03

    Breeding questions

    You could try building your own cages. It is very easy. Look up "building wire rabbit hutches", and you should find plenty of ideas.
  10. DutchBunny03

    Breeding questions

    Good choice in not choosing a giant breed. They are unthrifty eaters, and do not convert feed to meat well. Their bones are a considerable chunk of their weight, giving you a false assumption that they are a good meat breed. The best breeds are Californians and New Zealands. A 30"x30" cage...
  11. DutchBunny03

    Breeding questions

    A board for the rabbit to sit on is not neccessary, unless you have Rex or mini Rex rabbits. I have removable nest boxes in my cages during the colder months, and during the summer months I put in cardboard for them to sit on. They don't need it, of course, but they like it. And if they don't...
  12. DutchBunny03

    Newbie with 14 going on 16 pets!

    Welcome to BYH from upstate New York!! There are tons of animal people here. Check out BYH sister site, Backyard Chickens. It is a lot like BYH, but more geared towards poultry. What kind of bunny do you have?(we are all picture freaks here, so get out yer camera!)
  13. DutchBunny03

    Meat rabbit feed

    @AClark , a lower protein feed may be more beneficial. Rabbits can become obese on that much protein. Rabbit pellets these days are too high in protein. Rabbit's digestive system is not designed for that much protein in such a concentration as a pellet. I feed 16% protein, but would feed lower...
  14. DutchBunny03


    Bucks have been known to "kill" litters(what actually happens is that because rabbits are ready to breed almost immediately after giving birth, the buck chases the doe like mad, resulting in the kits beibg trampled. I have heard of cases where the buck did actually kill the kits, but the first...
  15. DutchBunny03

    Breeding questions

    Wire does not hurt the rabbit's feet, unless the rabbits have or are prone to sore hocks(wire does not cause the sore hocks- damp flooring does). I have had rabbits for years, all in cages with wire flooring, and no problems yet. Litterbox training would be a waste of your time.
  16. DutchBunny03

    Meat rabbit feed

    Corn is great for rabbits. They love it. They can have it while or cracked as a grain, and it is great in pellets. You've been told nothing but rubbish about how corn isn't good for rabbits. If you can grow your own corn, rabbits love the stalks and shucks. Not too many green ones, though. It...
  17. DutchBunny03

    Kaye's bunny journal

    That Lop is awesome. By different textures, I mean like that Lop you posted, not a Lionhead.
  18. DutchBunny03

    Kaye's bunny journal

    The shedding won't cause any problems, as long as he doesn't ingest too much. Keep the fur out of his food and water.
  19. DutchBunny03

    Meat rabbit feed

    Pellets should be the base of all rabbits diets, regardless of purpose. But the pellets can be supplemented with different things to benefit the rabbit. For example, certain grains with increase the sheen of the coat. On a show or pelt rabbit, that is a big plus. The rabbits wouldn't have that...
  20. DutchBunny03

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Yep. It looks cool, but is a HUGE disqualification. But, if you are not intending on showing them, it would be awesome!! I wonder if someday, someone will create a breed that has different fur textures as a requirement.