I do it 100% of the time... Make a double wire fence even keeping them 15 feet apart helps. most viruses travel through touch or touching poop..
I know you can't see a virus!.. It does not need to be Fort Knox...
Always glad to help.
Beings you're new here. You might want to ask banty what happens when someone mentions my avatar.....This one is free to the newbie.....:caf
Sorry, I am trying to get use to the new format..The article I meant to post was entitled " Enjoying Young Dux Dinner"
It told how to process 4 week olds....:gig
I luv to fix dux too.....:ya
I even learned something about duck nutrition, I thought they needed the same protein levels as turkeys..this guy claims not..
I being on "probation" and next up for detention most days avoided the whole "winkie" conversation..but I can tell you it did not have the meaning I put to it in my innocent mind...
I guess the word "whole" was redundant, who would want a half a winkie no matter what the connotation was.
Sure you would,,,
Greyhound goes everywhere!! I would even meet you at the bus stop, 3 miles from here... Pretty nice of me, isn't it?
BRB,,I need to make more coffee.
Oh no, A person should never turn down a B-day present, it is rumored to cause bad luck all year long...Trust me on this..
I turned down a birthday present once and turned older than dirt almost over night..
Are you one of those non-believers I have heard about?
Maybe you need to talk to Banty..She has made a shrine for me, of me....
Of course, you would have to go to Iceland to see it..