Okay, first off a trio is perfect for starting off.
Next, which breed are you looking at. For any meat breed, you'll need a cage at least 18 inches in width, 12 inches in height, and 24 inches in length. You may want larger if you know you'll have large litters (8+ kits).
Water bottles are...
Sage is adorable! Congrats on getting her.
I've always wanted Jacob sheep (cause their exotic, having the same name is just a bonus), but I won't be able to until I get my own place.
I don't know why they are. I've handled and know how to handle both beef and dairy (different breeds as well; Shorthorn and Highland for beef, holstein and jersey for dairy) and the beef were always chill and the dairy high strung. These were also in different years and at different times. Both...
That is exactly how I transport goats! Lay a tarp down and put them on top. I know it can be hard to need to sell animals, but just think of it as improving genetics if you need to!
Hey everyone! I just joined recently and decided, why not get started on that journal! To start off, I'll answer the standard questions.
1. What state/province/country are you in and what is your climate like?
Minnesota! Climate- hot summer and frozen winters, extremes on both ends.
2. How many...
I keep llamas (of course), rabbits, and goats. My family also has pigs, but I don't interact with them cause I am sick of them, and my brother has a Scottish Highland steer.
Oh gosh. So sorry about that cougar. I've never experienced one (and hopefully never will), but I have had random animals go missing.
I actually just finished up this whole thread after starting it a few days ago.
Hey there! After a year of stalking this forum and using it for information or to just read stories, I have finally joined!
I am quite young, possibly the youngest member on here, but I feel I'll fit right in.