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  1. Kaye

    mysunwolf - four acres and some sheep

    You know, when the ones you still have start to need new friends. Or maybe a nice little goat would look good on pasture. Ohhhhh, and when you decide to go with a totally new animal!! Oh, good luck with the downsizing!! lol
  2. Kaye

    Kaye's other than rabbits journal

    Calling to leave a message now
  3. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    I also have a three strikeout limit I really do too. She has potential. lol
  4. Kaye

    mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)

    @promiseacres @Bunnylady @Pastor Dave Anyone else?? I'm not really sure. I guess I would give her 40 days. I have heard of rabbits going longer than 35 days, but I have never seen it myself. I have a three strikes and you're out rule. In this case I think I would give her one more chance...
  5. Kaye

    Kaye's other than rabbits journal

    Still haven't found the nest... this has been driving me crazy. I have been all through the woods around my house. I found a mysterious burrow behind the chicken coop, so now I am going to set up game cameras and my live trap. We will see who lives there... in other news, we had a buck (5...
  6. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Thanks!! We will try again!! This is Annabelle's second time. She had them all in the box this time, so she at least had that part right.
  7. Kaye

    Promise Acres Rabbit Thread

    Oh my goodness!! How sweet. Already got some nice ears. Congrats and good luck!!
  8. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    I have one that goes 34 every time. I have even heard of them going to 38-40 days, but have never witnessed it myself. Small rabbits I have heard of only having 28 days gestation. Annabelle had three kits last night. She ate most of one, one was dead and the other one was so cold I thought it...
  9. Kaye

    Kaye's other than rabbits journal

    Dora (my hen) is back to normal (all but the little curve in her neck) and Eagle (the rooster) was very happy to see her. I haven't put them back into the same pen yet, but will probably tomorrow. One of my Serama hens is going broody and I have no clue where her nest is. She is so sneaky... I...
  10. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Good deal. The second one is much better Other news: Day 32 and nothing. I asked hubby once again if he was sure he felt babies. He is pretty sure I hope so
  11. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Maybe these will help Circled boy then girl Boy Girl Girl Boy
  12. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    I will try to find better ones. lol
  13. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    I put the box in with Annabelle. Good luck girl. It might be tonight. We will see!!
  14. Kaye

    Promise Acres Rabbit Thread

    @Pastor Dave i hope you feel better. @Hens and Roos i can't wait either
  15. Kaye

    Promise Acres Rabbit Thread

    I love your buns :love I smile every time I see those ears.
  16. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Sexing rabbits by picture examples When determining sex its not always reliable to go by feeling for scrotum. Reason being that males have the ability to ascend their testeis into their abdomens. Look for a tiny 'pin-hole' for a buck or a little 'slit' for a female. The drawing shows how to...
  17. Kaye

    mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)

    @mygoldendoe I am about to post some information on sexing rabbits for you in my journal :)
  18. Kaye

    mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)

    In my experience I have had only one of many bucks that was mean. I have had more 'grouchy' does than I had 'lovey' ones. Every rabbit is different. I say go have discussion with the ENT anyway. If you're anything like I was, you will only get sick again if not. Good luck!!
  19. Kaye

    mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)

    My mom had to get her tonsils taken out when I had mine taken out. My pediatrician that I had told my mom she should have had hers removed when she was a child. They say that the older you are the worse it is, but my mother had no problem. I actually had more trouble with my recovery than she...
  20. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    Congrats!! I'm glad I could help!! A lot of times they're mixed breed rabbits (meat mutts), but that doesn't really matter to me. I'm breeding for color and just learning how to tell genetics for color. Breeding for meat, I feel like I wouldn't mind mixed breeds, either.