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  1. HomeOnTheRange

    Anything AND everything!

    Pics @Baymule, we need pics... :frow
  2. HomeOnTheRange

    West Virginia!

    Welcome @overeasywv, glad to have your here with us on BYH!
  3. HomeOnTheRange

    Anything AND everything!

    OK, I know you all are butt kicking, wicked, hard-core, bitchin', fierce, warrior type BYH people, but have any of you used something like the following? Or it's big brother: I will be putting in about 500 posts a year into sticky clay and was wondering if anyone has used these type of devices?
  4. HomeOnTheRange

    LGD Puppies due in August

    Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pups with us! It has been great seeing them grow up.
  5. HomeOnTheRange

    Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

    @Bruce most of the houses are fake mud (Stucco) or brick, not a whole lot of painted surface. If the vehicles are stationary they are OK, it is when you are traveling along and a nice 55 to 60mph gust comes along and pick ups a bunch of small rocks and you slam into them at 75mph. Paint gets...
  6. HomeOnTheRange

    Anything AND everything!

    Just a re-post on the grinder URL:
  7. HomeOnTheRange

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    Hey @Calendula, I am a little shy about hitting that "Post Reply" button myself. Your intro was great! Looking forward to pics and all of your updates on what you are doing down on the farm.
  8. HomeOnTheRange

    Anything AND everything!

    Amen brother @greybeard!
  9. HomeOnTheRange

    Jumping the Moon Dairy - the next chapter

    Now that right there is a true Texas goat! :lol:
  10. HomeOnTheRange

    Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal

    Yup, we are going to cool down this weekend as well. Currently the highs are in the mid to upper 60's and the lows are in the mid 30's. Will cool down to the mid 40's for the high and mid 20's for the low. For the snow part..:gig:gig:gig:lol::lol::lol: we only get 9.5 inches of precip all...
  11. HomeOnTheRange

    Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal

    Glad to hear Sadie is doing better. Sorry about the late post, but it took me awhile to get through the thread (I blame @Latestarter and his thread ;)). I thought I would throw this out there as a possible issue. As I was going through the thread, someone posted older pics with the dogs in...
  12. HomeOnTheRange

    Changing goals and speed

    Sorry to hear about your rabbits. It is really sad to loose so many and not even know why!
  13. HomeOnTheRange

    FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

    For names, how about Sabirah and Gavriela?
  14. HomeOnTheRange

    FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

    Two Does. Right on!! Congrats
  15. HomeOnTheRange

    Hey Rhonda, Welcome to BYH!!

    Hey Rhonda, Welcome to BYH!!
  16. HomeOnTheRange

    Nice to have you here!! Welcome

    Nice to have you here!! Welcome
  17. HomeOnTheRange

    Love the pic... Welcome to BYH

    Love the pic... Welcome to BYH