It looks like Contagious Ecthyma (sore mouth). Be very careful because this disease is a zoonotic (humans can catch this stuff also) disease! It will run its course and it should be gone in 2 weeks. If one goat gets it, you can bet the rest will get it. It is like chicken pox in humans, rarely...
I have one such goat in my herd named Miracle. She was born on my farm and will take her last breath on my farm. I had a long winded post about her a few months back. I thought she was frozen to death just after being born to a very young momma that was not even supposed to be bred and never...
We also do a quarantine. We vaccinate, deworm, hoof trim, etc... any new animal to the herd as if this has never been done to the animal (we never take anyone's word for anything; been burnt too many times before). The stress of transporting alone, not to mention the interruption of regular...
Maybe you should look at culling her. Parasite resistance can be a highly heritable trait. If you breed her there's a moderate chance her offspring will be ill adapted at resisting internal parasites also. Structural correctness, great pedigrees, perfect breed phenotype, and high yielding...
The pine tar is messy but wonderful as a fly deterrent. The keystone dehorners are the way to go for cattle especially mature animals with mature hornage.
I don't know what the main ingredient is but it is the the generic brand of weed and brush killer that Tractor Supply sells. I don't remember a lot in detail from my college Ag classes, but I am sure it's main ingredient is glyco. I sometimes will use an oil based weed killer and mix diesel with...
I don't particularly like to use herbicides, but find it a necessary evil in order to maintain my fences. I have on occasion used a very strong solution of bleach, hot water, and salt to spot spray with decent results, but nothing works like my herbicides though.
Your operation takes some serious planning having the meat and dairy herds. I have 2 types of goat herds myself so I can sympathize with you a bit. I have a pure herd of Spanish and I also have a herd of commercial crossbred meat goats. They all run together and I only have the pure Koy...
Thanks Bossroo for the compliments. We too have some bad storms and I do check the fences after storms to make sure none of the brittle pine trees bordering part of our fence haven't shed some branches at the expense of my fences. Yearly, though we do routine maint. to the entire fence and...
My llamas are so particular about what they eat as a treat. I have tried most all of the Purina horse treats, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkin, apple slices, tomato, cucumber...and other treats to try to tame them a bit. They won't touch anything but a coffee can full of sweet feed. Any...