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  1. micah wotring

    CinnamonEli's Barn

    Which should more than make up for stoopidity...wouldn't you say?
  2. micah wotring

    TheKindaFarmGal's Journal - Long overdue updates! Cow calved

    After some deep thought I have decided to accept your attempt. With extreme reluctance I proclaim adequacy... :p (( :thumbsup )) And now when your cow freshens you'll have a place where you can post pictures of the calf. Or when you get a bunch of chicks. Or...well...pretty much if anything...
  3. micah wotring

    CinnamonEli's Barn

    Yeah, but hey, at least you has a journal!
  4. micah wotring

    CinnamonEli's Barn

    For explaining I think...
  5. micah wotring

    CinnamonEli's Barn

    Coz like the only thing anybody knows about you is the following list: 1. Freaky Owl 2. Brazil 3. Colonel Sanders What other animals do you have? Stories? What's life like in Brazil? What's your barn(s)/coop(s) like? Etc.
  6. micah wotring

    CinnamonEli's Barn

    Yeah, I'm on BYC mostly but gonna try to keep up on here too. You must! You must! You absolutely must!! Tag me or share a link or something when you do.
  7. micah wotring

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!
  8. micah wotring

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    It's up! I'm going over there RIGHT now. :woot I'll be sure to keep up with subs on both coz you, @Poka_Doodle , and @TAH are all mostly over here now.
  9. micah wotring

    Micah Wotring - Weathering Winter

    Me and my brothers always like to joke about how the sentence "Be safe and have fun!" defies all rules of logic and is impossible to follow. :P (In all seriousness though, I will be very careful. :) )
  10. micah wotring

    Turkeys...Those Big Feathered Dogs

    Oooh, I love that one in the third pic!! I'm kind of obsessed with cool colors on animals. :P
  11. micah wotring

    Broody hen thread

    :thumbsup:love My fuzz butts are getting less and less fuzzy...staying alive through y'all's pix until more hatch out!
  12. micah wotring

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    The new kits' eyes are open!!! One of them keeps tumbling out of the nest box and clambering back in and then falling back out again. XD
  13. micah wotring

    State a fact about the person above you

    I thought I remembered that he was but wasn't sure so I checked your profile thinking maybe you'd said there and sure enough, I was right!
  14. micah wotring

    All credit for this amazing avatar goes to @TAH who drew it based off of a picture of my Light...

    All credit for this amazing avatar goes to @TAH who drew it based off of a picture of my Light Brahma, Lady. Thank you Shey!
  15. micah wotring

    I no think burritos reign. Why you ask? (You, my friend, have triggered a full day of Micah's...

    I no think burritos reign. Why you ask? (You, my friend, have triggered a full day of Micah's 'Tonto mode')
  16. micah wotring

    Broody hen thread

    Why do you do that? Just to find the limit for how many you can give her? How do you tell when 'she can't take it any more'? Wow, I'm chock full of questions ain't I! XD
  17. micah wotring

    Broody hen thread

    Yep! Started with 7 but one of the ducks got in there with her and smashed a couple.
  18. micah wotring

    Broody hen thread

    No! Just that your talent is somewhere else. Example: I know NOTHING about art and music and such. They are but a chicken can handle it. (unless of course, you put like TONS of eggs under her) In fact, my broody is a bantam! I think there's five under her.