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  1. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    Thanks to all for these comments...I hadn't checked in a while. In very short: definitely, no way the other doe is a 'buck'- for sure, it's obvious anatomically. Also, there is a plywood wall between them. They barely see each other. Just no way even if was a buck (and it isn't!). Maybe she is...
  2. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    Dear all - I realize my credibility will be questioned at this point - but it's too interesting not to post: The same rabbit as noted above in my original post (Golding is her name, shes one of my two does, a Californian; the other doe, Cascade is a brown/spotted Californian/Flemish cross -...
  3. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    Hi All - Thanks for those encouraging comments. I'm happy to have this litter. As for the mystery: All I can say is that a) they were not bred through the cage (the buck is a few feet away in a totally separate cage) and b) the other doe doesn't look anything like the one with kits (one is...
  4. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    Just found this online for anyone else out there curious about this (i see 28 people have viewed my post today): "Miracle births" Cases of "miracle births" have been observed. This takes place when a doe produces young when it is absolutely certain that she has not been to the buck. Some does...
  5. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    Oh yeah - and obviously there's no nest box in with the delivered doe. I have a kind of lean to that's always in there and she created a hay nest (with fur too) to do the trick... Should I put a nest box in and move the kindle in there? or just leave it...?
  6. shanzu farms

    Doe bred ONCE, but kindles TWICE in 6 weeks (...then does it again!)

    {{PLEASE note: I have updated this thread title on 8 FEB, because the story is still unfolding. Starting with this post below, where my Doe kindled at 6 weeks overdue, to the latest post, where she has now had several miracle births. She has now, on two separate occasions, been bred, delivered...