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  1. michickenwrangler

    anyone eat holsteins?

    I regularly buy grass-fed beef from a dairy farm that raises holstein steers. It's yummy! :drool As DH says about grass-fed beef, "even the FAT is good!"
  2. michickenwrangler

    Handling our Horses

    When you get down to the basics, all these guys are teaching the same thing: get your horse to respect you and spend time with them. I liked Pat Parelli at first, but he seems to get caught up in his equipment and gimmicks. Clinton Anderson seems a little more interested in sticking in plugs...
  3. michickenwrangler

    Safety Vest

    I've heard of them for jockeys. Is there a plus over the traditional eventing vests?
  4. michickenwrangler

    Gonna Lope for the First Time

    Though it's usually not the best way to make a horse canter, you can run them into it from a trot. But ... once you start doing that you need to take steps to refine your canter depart. With my mare, I get her a little worked up with half halts before asking for a canter, although if I give her...
  5. michickenwrangler

    Miniature Dual purposed - Breeding Dairy bull to Beef Cows

    Though this isn't a miniature, I worked at a small ranch that used to breed Holstein cows to Angus bulls. They claimed it was the best combo because the dam would have enough milk for the calf and for them (if needed). They didn't like the Holstein bull to Angus cows because they claimed that...
  6. michickenwrangler

    Vamos a charlar

    Primero, por favor, usa adjectivos femininos para mi. Y ademas, casaba significa "melon," no "head." Cabeza es "head."
  7. michickenwrangler

    Vamos a charlar

    ?Hay alguien aqui que hable espanol? Yo enseno espanol a la escuela intermedia y necesito practicar mas. Quiero charlar con otros que habla el mismo idioma.
  8. michickenwrangler

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Yum Barbecued chicken over a charcoal grill?