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  1. Babyandrory

    Guess the Animal Breed, and Gender (For Learning)

    Hey BYC/HForlife!Cluckcluck1215 :p
  2. Babyandrory

    Guess the Animal Breed, and Gender (For Learning)

    Buff Orp Pullet? Micah, it's me, Kyndra!
  3. Babyandrory

    Hey Lily!

    Hey Lily!
  4. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    What in the wide worlds name is the Status anyway?Like, explain it.Whats it for?I just put Mourning Acorn.And what's the Occputation?
  5. Babyandrory

    Easter Egger:Blue, Green, Light pink or purpley egg layer.Called a Mutt by most, pea comb, muff...

    Easter Egger:Blue, Green, Light pink or purpley egg layer.Called a Mutt by most, pea comb, muff and beard and come I. Various colors
  6. Babyandrory

    Oh!EEs?I love EEs!

    Oh!EEs?I love EEs!
  7. Babyandrory

    ROTFL! Yay!What breeds?Or are they mutts?

    ROTFL! Yay!What breeds?Or are they mutts?
  8. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    The ONLY thing I don't like about BYH, is I can't upload more then ten pictures at a time o_O I've only got chickens, so I Probley won't be active much, BUT my mom wants goats, and she said next year maybe so....:confused::eek::weee
  9. Babyandrory

    What's up?

    What's up?
  10. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    I know right! Yup! Peeps back at BYC are saying its to much like Facebook, I disagree!
  11. Babyandrory

    What's up?

    What's up?
  12. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    Hey Fried Girl!Im loving this BYH format!:cool::D Oh, and :welcome
  13. Babyandrory

    Hello all!Im from BYC!

    Fish are fairly simple to keep!For a while, I had a fish(catfish)that lived for...7 YEARS! Anyway, one is a Cory Fish, And three are Tetras.A low-light, a albino and a neon. I love guppies, but they die and are bullied easily.So I recommend, if you want guppies, keep them in there own tank...
  14. Babyandrory

    Hey, Leyla!Its Kyndra(Cluckcluck1215)How are you?

    Hey, Leyla!Its Kyndra(Cluckcluck1215)How are you?
  15. Babyandrory

    HEY!GreT to see you!

    HEY!GreT to see you!
  16. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    I don't think I've ever met you.I have only been on BYC since January 21st 2016
  17. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    I know right?!They are awesome :);)
  18. Babyandrory

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    Hello!Nope, I'm not Dan!Im Kyndra, Cluckcluck1215 :D Nice to meet you!
  19. Babyandrory

    Hmmmm.... I wonder if you can guess where another new member is from...

    :ya:lol: Cluckowling?! :lol: :welcome Sarah!