1. Pay off debt
2. Husband could go back to school
3. Buy our own farm!
4. Anonymous gifts to random strangers...
List 3 things your goat can climb in your yard/field.
We don't have a farm (yet!) but I've always thought a pig would make one more complete. Unfortunately, as much as my hubby loves bacon, he doesn't want to raise pigs. :(
Your porkers are adorable though! They look like the perfect size for a family pig roast!
What'd you name the other two?
I agree with lauracom.
When I was growing up my mom got us a pet pot-belly pig. As a baby, she was extremely cute. She would squeal when she had to "go" outside and when she was small enough she would curl up in our laps to sleep. However, the older she got the more "bossy" she got. One day she...