One of my rabbits recently got over her ears mites, but now shes loosing hair on her ears and seems to have a rash. anyone seen this before? what can be done? Sorry for a crummy picture, she wouldnt sit still.
They havent bled at all since i first posted this and updated it. I've had the rabbits for 22 days now and they were to have been bred at LEAST a week before purchasing them. i'm leaning more to the fact that they've miscarried due to stress. will they pass the babies? is there a chance they...
thank you so much for the advice!! we have wild blackberry bushes all over here.
I havent started my herb garden yet but its on my to-do list. (We just purchased land and a fixer-uper house so we're dividing our time between the house and the animals )
whats the likelihood of her not passing the kits? she still has a week to go from her "due date", so everything is in the air right now. shes seeming better, eating and drinking lots, and not bleeding currently.
just checked her out. shes not bleeding, and the diarrhea has currently stopped. her vagina looks fine and we havent seen/felt any stuck kits.
just checked her out. shes not bleeding, and the diarrhea has currently stopped. her vagina looks fine and we havent seen/felt any stuck kits.
the bleeding & diarrhea are separate. ive moved in a nesting box, in case shes close to kindling. i've felt her ears, and theyre normal/cool. shes quite squirmish so i can fully examine, but im pretty sure its vaginal bleeding. im about to pull her out and give her a good look over, since ive...
my pregnant doe is spotting/bleeding. started with just a little yesterday and this is nearly 10-15 minutes of bleeding just now. she also just began to have diarrhea. i'm fairly new to rabbit breeding, is this normal? does anyone know what the cause is?
(i dont know her exact kindle date, i...
One of them is bleeding more today than she was yesterday. the other has stopped bleeding completely. i was told they should have a week to go still (kindling around the 24th) but she could have had her dates mixed up. is there anything i can do to figure out why theyre bleeding, or help if...
There's definitely a chance. I'll try to look them over, but they aren't being very cooperative. (running to the back of the cage/squirming when I pick them up/kicking when I hold them)
do rabbits bleed when coming close to kindling?? my other two does have small drips of blood in their cages. not sure where its coming from on them, since theyre quite feisty and wont let me hold them for more than a few seconds.